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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Wade. PLEASE beat the Cheatriots!
  2. Get off the ledge!! Simply passing along an article about a 10 year old kid in Louisville KY. How do you survive those Maine winters with such thin skin?
  3. Be sure to bring your cheese head inside.
  4. Beware of people who like to take their shoes off on a plane. Usually it's too late or not possible to get away from that.
  5. Introducing Logic to the draft is illogical.
  6. What a hoot! Nice pic of BUF, well outside of February! Dome or not, who would ever WANT to go to BUF in February? Dome or not, you have to be able to fly/drive in out, and that's certainly never a given in the winter.
  7. Been doing it since the late 60's. In 2001, I had a friend who had leukemia, and needed blood. I got turned down as a blood donor, because I was anemic. After taking a lot of iron, with no change, my Doc finally did an endoscopic exam, looking for an ulcer, but found that I was Celiac. No drugs or cure EXCEPT for diet. No wheat, oats, barley or rye. Had I not followed that, my immune system would have failed, and I could have gotten a whole list of cancers. So, I'm thinking that by trying to help a friend, I may have saved my own life? So that was almost 18 years ago, and I will say that the food choices have improved immensely over that time. Most of the European countries are very aware of this, and have even more. better tasting food options. In Italy, if you're diagnosed Celiac, they give you a day off, with pay, to do your grocery shopping My wife is a saint for helping me with all this.
  8. No worse than; wide right, no goal, music city miracle etc, etc., EXCEPT we'd have actually won something? That would be OK!
  9. https://sports.yahoo.com/10-year-old-kid-won-science-fair-proving-tom-brady-cheater-184439991.html
  10. Where Eagles Dare, Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes, The Enemy Below.
  11. That's almost always true.
  12. The goose does not seem to be bothered.
  13. Winds of War. It's a series but very good!
  14. Nothing new to see here, move along!
  15. Is that name a "non de plume", or her porn name?
  16. Bills Love from ESPN? Time to pay closer attention to our backs.
  17. Get ready to be patted down like a prize steer at the airports.
  18. Despite all the hurt feelings, I expect the Rams will have more fans in St Louis than they will ever have in LA. Having a team(s) in LA is an NFL dream, that's really not supported by the locals. I expect to see many empty seats in the new stadium.
  19. C'mon Flounder, you fu*ked up, you trusted us! The NFL Refs.
  20. As Red Green used to say; "duct tape is the handy man's secret weapon!"
  21. Since "the good die young," that explains it.
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