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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I see a whole new market for all that old covid plexiglass.
  2. Aretha had it right..RESPECT. People either never had it or totally lost it.
  3. I'd like it better if they'd stick to the weather, and bag all the global warming crap. Hope to never see Jim Cantore near where I live!
  4. More like a coaching collapse.
  5. Ours will be 34, on 5/31. Lived in sin, a year before that. 2nd for both of us. Happy Anniversary, and ditto re birthdays!
  6. Go back to the Johnny Depp trial. Capiche??
  7. Al Davis ate Ralph's cheap lunch, on that trade. Tom Flores & Art Powell??? We were blessed to have had Daryl, along with that very early QB controversy. RIP Daryl!
  8. Usually they get removed and replaced with a fresh slide pack. They are not cheap! Also consider the down time of the plane, while the process is completed. Nut case, or not, she owes American a lot of $$$, not to forget the inconvenience of all the other passengers.
  9. Missing the B'way market. Happy Easter!
  10. Lived in Seattle, for a long time, and never saw them. They would be difficult to cook there because the fire would keep going out, with the rain.
  11. Never saw those before. Maybe in Hawaii?
  12. You'll love Costco, when it comes to Amherst, next year. Never saw a 1/4 cow, or half pig there, but they sell all the pieces. We lived in Seattle for 20 years, and Costco is huge there. Matter of fact, they used to have a lot of Seahawks stuff, in season. So, maybe the Amherst store will have a selection of BILLS gear too? Great place to stock up for tailgating.
  13. Bird seed @ Costco is up almost 75%, in the past year. We see an occasional Indigo Bunting in VA. Beautiful birds. Right now, the red crested blackbirds, are cleaning us out. Can't wait for them to migrate, and give us a break.
  14. Still have my VHS tape, and a recorder to play it on. But, I will record this. Not being a golfer, it will be welcome to watch again.
  15. Rocky Mountain high!
  16. Without a dome, all the candles will blow out.
  17. Would love to see MILLER TIME across his face!
  18. Do the PSL people get any insurance money?
  19. https://nypost.com/2022/03/22/bills-wags-welcome-wife-of-qb-matt-barkley-back-to-buffalo/
  20. No "lasting: friends. Went to school full time & mostly worked full time, so not a lot of down time. Maybe missed out on a lot, but when i see/hear about kids graduating with monster loan debt, maybe it worked out?
  21. Born & raised in BUF, but have not lived there since '70. Drove up for a wedding, mid December 2016. Dreading crossing Pennsylvania, but it was fine. Once we crossed into NY, the snow began, and didn't stop, till we left NY state, going home. I know doppler radar is much refined/improved since then but WTF is a Snow Band?? Never experienced anything like that before. I know where all the roads are/go, but how wide are they now? Can't see; pavement, curbs, signs..nothing! Am I on ; the road, the shoulder, someone's yard, just run over a large BILLS sign, etc.? If I'm ever there again, and hear that snow bands are in the area, I'm not driving!
  22. THE FUTURE IS NOW- George Allen
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