Several years ago, while living in Seattle, my Grandmother passed away, in Buffalo. I decided not to take the normal connection thru O'Hare but to take Air Canada non-stop Seattle-Toronto. Got to Toronto, in the middle of the SARS virus scare. Everyone was wearing surgical masks. Afraid to even touch a door to open it. Got my rental car, as we were leaving the garage, I realized that the speedometer had the small numbers for KPH, I'm 6'1, so i lowered the steering wheel to better see the little numbers. Got to the QEW, everything OK till Burlington, then we're stopped in bumper to bumper traffic. While we're stopped, some hoser rams into the back of our rental car. That drove us into the back of a van in front of us. PERFECT!! Our air bags deployed, my wife thought we were on fire, because of smoke. I told her NOT to get out. The "smoke" was residual accelerent powder from the airbags. Smelled pretty bad too! Because I had lowered the steering wheel, the airbag didn't hit my face, but I took it full force across my chest. Felt like a huge hard hand slap. My wife, got a bruise where her seat belt buckled. The OPP pointed out that the rear bumper of our car had a mirror image of the license plate from front bumper from the Bozo who hit us.i My lasting regret is that I didn't demand a blood/alcohol test for the hoser. But, it was Canada, and I didn't know what my "rights" may be, and we still had to get to Buffalo. We stood at the side of the QEW for 2-3 hours till a replacement rental car showed up. Our rental was totaled, damage to both ends. Our windshield broke, from the inside, where the little airbag door drove itself into the glass. Got sued by the *****'s in the van for $2 mil. The insurance company said we were "the meat in the accident sandwich," and not to worry. They wanted to bring me back to Toronto, for a deposition, till they found out how much it would cost to get us there/back. That was the end of that ordeal. We rented the car because, at that time, there were no flights from Toronto to Buffalo. Looks like that's true today too!