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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Considering what they are paid, he/she should be unemployed.
  2. The ship it hit was a Uniworld River Cruise ship. It runs (ran) between Venice and Milan. I would never want to be in Venice when one of those big ships docks. The volume of people would overwhelm the place. Venice is trying to relocate the large ships, away from the city. They're concerned that the wakes and waves from them are eroding the wood pilings that the whole place is built on.
  3. Driving a Nissan? You're in!
  4. Always wondered how many times you can get drunk and sober in a 19 hour plane ride? Whatever the answer, I'll believe it because I'd never do that.
  5. I assume there's a BILLS bar there?? Never been there but when I visited Hong Kong & Tokyo, in the 70's, I swore that I wouldn't come back till there was a super sonic plane on the route. 6-7 hours is my limit on a plane. Back in the 70's it didn't seem so unattainable to wish for planes that flew faster and higher. Now we have 737's that are grounded and they're the same basic design as the late 60's!
  6. For many years many of us were riding the brakes.
  7. Used to have family in the Tupper Lake area. They've all passed away now but it is a beautiful part of NYS.
  8. Just sayin, I'm 20 years older and as time goes on you will find that your mind is writing checks that your body can't cash. I would be concerned with the 161, but I'm not your cardiologist.
  9. Are you seriously going to rely on us "experts" for such a question? Normal adult Bpm's are in the 60-100 range but there are way too many personal variables to give an answer. 170 seems very high.
  10. Does Miami-Dade Crime stoppers offer free fries?
  11. It's the one holiday that allowed us to be free, to celebrate all the others. It's not something that's necessarily "happy," but yes, it's about those who served and more importantly, it's about those, and the families of those, who served, and didn't make it home.
  12. I remember too many of those seasons. Time can't polish them either.
  13. Totally agree with the "not happening," with regard to the pets. I've always had a dog, since I was a kid. Never had a cat till we got married, but they're OK too, in their own twisted way
  14. Asthma has been a recent diagnosis, just in the past couple of years. That what keeps me getting the allergy shots. The Asthma requires medication, and they write the prescription, so I'm stuck. Grass is a problem for me also animal dander, We have a dog & 2 cats but they're worth it.
  15. CFL starts in June. I feel your pain about watering. Only do the flowers, the grass is on its own!
  16. Grew up in S Buffalo in the 50's. We didn't have pollen; we had ore dust from the steel mills. My Dad had business in Detroit late 50's, and Mom & I drove with him. We drove across S Ontario. At that time, S Ontario had a lot of tobacco fields. Summer travel, no A/C in cars back then, by the time we got to Detroit I thought I would go crazy with watering/itchy eyes. Found out I'm allergic to tobacco. Got some eye drops, went to the Doc back in Buffalo, and he told my Mom that I would outgrow the allergies. Now 60 years later I get shots every couple of weeks. They don't take the problems away but that's about all I can do. Living in the Richmond VA area, the allergy Docs tell us that we're in the worst part of the country for allergies. I think that's BS because I've lived in N VA., Chicago, Houston and Seattle and still had the symptoms. When I moved to Seattle, they magically went away, for about one year, but then came back, same as before. A real pain in the a*s!
  17. When we moved to Virginia in 2003, we lived in Williamsburg. There was a bridge on VA-5 crossing the Chickahominy River that had a metal deck and had curb level sprayers to cool the bridge in the hot weather. Had hurricane Isabel later that year, that messed the bridge up beyond repair. There's now a modern bridge there. If you're trying to fly, as in to leave the ground to cross the open bridge, the higher the temps, the less the lift that's available to get off the ground. Lighten the load, is one of the ways to make it more doable.
  18. I've been privileged to attend 2 funerals at Arlington. One was for a co-worker, and the other a former neighbor. The former neighbor was an AF Colonel., so that was a bit more detailed, with the horse drawn caisson to the graveside. The Old Guard is very impressive and reverent.
  19. It’s like they’re all from Mayberry. If I'm not mistaken, that's in NC. The C stands for Carolina, and that explains so much! I am optimistic too but that keeps being over shadowed by realism. Any way.....GO BILLS!
  20. Have to hope he's all wrong but it is only his 2nd season, and we'll see.
  21. 106 miles to Chicago, full tank of gas, half pack of cigarettes, it's dark out and we're wearing sunglasses...... Maybe the full tank of gas did them in? Too much weight to reach takeoff velocity. Those hot Louisiana temps are a problem too. May have worked in Chicago.
  22. Nice! That's what it's all about!
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