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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. You sure you didn't order Lobster, by mistake?
  2. Blessings to your wife!! My wife retired from United, after 15 yrs. She worked in Grief counseling, at the counter.
  3. The Ryan Brothers,Hank Bullough, Kay Stephenson. Dick Jauron.
  4. That advertising slogan is from the mid 60's. That was back when people actually dressed to fly. ALL the employees who worked then are now retired with a small fraction of the retirement that they earned/were promised, thanks to Unted's faux bankruptcy. Now the US tax payers pay them thru PBGC, just like the steel workers and auto workers. PBGC is propped up by the government, because it loses 10's of billions $, each year. i would be interested to know IF the employee was actually a United employee, or a low pay, untrained, no benefit contract worker? Seems that whenever United, or most airlines, have an incident, the "employees" involved, don't really work for the carrier. The airlines take the bad PR to save a few $$. IF the airlines had their way, they would have their names on the tickets, the advertising, and the airplanes, and EVERYONE would be a contract worker.
  5. Show me the baby! Been waiting this long, what's another 9 months?
  6. DIRTBAG?? https://nypost.com/2022/05/20/giants-bringing-new-dirtbag-mindset-to-offensive-line/
  7. Diesel prices! Diesel is one of the lowest grade/cheapest to produce petroleum distillates. In the 70's when we had a gas shortage, diesel passenger vehicles were at a premium. Couldn't find a diesel VW, or Oldsmobile. The downside was you had to fuel at a truck stop. Everything that we consume is delivered by diesel powered vehicles. If the Govt would suspend/repeal the tax on diesel, we may have a start at some level of recovery. Jet fuel is a close relative of diesel, so the traveling Mafia will feel that too. It's one big Hummmmm!
  8. Is she on the ballot next week? May be a good fit!
  9. If parents are unable to home school, Catholic education is a far better option, in most areas.
  10. And the kids/parents are not all Catholic.
  11. I know I may not be missed, but since we lost the Braves.....What NBA??
  12. Like this,,,https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=pulp+fiction+the+watch&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dpulp%2bfiction%2bthe%2bwatch%26qs%3dn%26form%3dQBRE%26sp%3d-1%26ghc%3d1%26pq%3dpulp%2bfiction%2bthe%2bwatch%26sc%3d8-22%26sk%3d%26cvid%3d8FEE80EFEEF041CDBFB1BFFE0F65F6EA&view=detail&mid=2FF1A3AEDDB05957A4F92FF1A3AEDDB05957A4F9&&FORM=VDRVRV
  13. He won on his Birthday.
  14. Situations such as this happen so often that it's easy to become desensitized to them. But, when this happens in the city that's my home town, it really hurts. Have to wonder if I ever met or knew any of these innocent people? RIP to all the innocent victims, and their loved ones. Truly tragic!
  15. Vikings, Lions & Packers fans are cheering!
  16. Love Marv, but Marv, don't quit your day job! This is just pitiful.
  17. RIP Bob! I'm a "69 Niagara grad, and the little 3 games were something special then.
  18. OK. IF I lived there, which I don't, I'd be looking for a Tops or Wegmans. Do you still have to get back to Porter Ave., to get in/out of that location?
  19. Where's the closest grocery store, Niagara St.? No thanks on Front Park.
  20. Maybe around a buffet table.
  21. Didn't like the first Top Gun, 30+ years ago. Can't imagine this being any better. El Passo!
  22. Resembles the Dannemora NY break, couple of years ago. They stayed in NYS.
  23. Eating Dim Sum, and his breath smelled like he had died.
  24. Weather is, and always has been cyclical. Not influenced by anything we are able to do, or control. WTF that has to do with seat belts regarding vehicle or aircraft safety remains a mystery. People don't do hurricane parties much anymore because most of them died in the hurricane.
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