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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Both! Now that would be worth watching.
  2. But they can get a wind shift and it will quickly go away. Not like the WNY I grew up in.
  3. Does St Bart's get their booze at the same place as the Dominican Republic does?
  4. Now that would make a statement!
  5. Thought it was built for Expo 67 but used for the Olympics too.
  6. The Expos capitalized on the coincidence of the Montreal Exposition. That was over 50 years ago and few even now know what the theme of the Expo was. Their stadium was an after thought of that event. 20 years later they even tried to leave Canada by referendum. Montreal seems to pride themselves on being more European than the rest of Canada, and that's OK, but I don't see that matching up with a desire for a major league US sports franchise, that's previously been tried and failed. The baseball season is so long that April and September/October games, in an outdoor stadium, would be unwatchable.
  7. Too bad it's not such a pain in the a*s to go to Canada. We were there 2 weeks ago. Crossed at Lewiston/Queenston. Canada Customs had 2 lanes open, @10AM?? Looking in the mirror saw that the USA wait seemed as bad! Came back 2-3 hours later. Used the Rainbow Bridge. No truck traffic. US Customs had easily 8-10 inspection lanes open, piece of cake! We intentionally stayed away from the Peace Bridge. .
  8. Art Donovan. Unintentional runner-up Hank Bullough.
  9. Yes by reliving the embarrassment of the Expos.
  10. If that happened he could have Greggggg running things. Crazy is as crazy does.
  11. Imagine all the team "stuff" that he must have. Well on his way to running the table!
  12. Love you all day GI, five dollar.
  13. Since the Meadowlands has been filled for a long time, he was driving to Vegas to make another "hole in the desert."
  14. A couple of years ago, the Skins moved their summer camp from Carlisle PA. to Richmond VA. Carlisle is no garden spot BUT there's no more hateful place on earth, during July & August than Richmond. Constant heat & humidity. Once again, money talked!
  15. I always liked the Fire boat! Yes, it's that same Fire boat.
  16. I lived on the Left Coast, for a long time and the 4Pm games were 1PM there.
  17. What's your "jersey history?" Before we get excited, do you own any others, and were they successful? Of course I hope for the best, for the BILLS, but my superstitious side was just wondering?
  18. Who even watches that?
  19. Having gone through the 70's and most of the 80's, with the BILLS, I've seen all the walking dead that I care to.
  20. The NFL salary cap does it for me.
  21. Maybe he should change to He Found Me?
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