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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. His couch is available....Next??
  2. My wife takes it, I don't. The Doc recommends it. He gave her an actual RX for it. You don't need the RX but there are so many laws that can change with your location, it's just a precaution to spare any problems.
  3. Could be a later day "over the hill" player
  4. So how did you abuse the car to be in that situation? K cars were ugly! They looked like the box they came in.
  5. Heat is one thing but the humidity is what does me in.
  6. So many drivers are dead from the neck up anyway, I say the driver is right.
  7. That's how I survived two years in Chicago. Drug stores, grocery stores, and even liquor stores and they all run real good sale ads. Taxes were miserable but they keep everybody drunked up, so they don't know. They have Buffalo type winters and in the summer, they even have tornado's, in the W suburbs.
  8. Never had it in Buffalo, but that's a long time ago, N VA needed it, Chicago,similar to Buffalo but I was older, and it was my place so, needed it, Houston, couldn't live without it., Seattle was a no.
  9. He also repaid his Government loan 7 years early. Never liked his "K" cars but can't dispute his success with the early Mustangs.
  10. Macy's from NYC is always first rate.
  11. Priceless!! Wonder what he said at the ER??
  12. I graduated from Niagara U in '69, and remember that when it was raining, and I was crossing between buildings, it was not unusual to see those rainbow/spectrum puddles, on the ground. Like what you used to see at gas stations, or parking lots when it was raining. That didn't bother the BILLS when they had training camp there. Guess it didn't bother me either because I'm still here.
  13. We were there the first week of June, and the Rainbow Bridge is a snap to cross. Can't go to Buffalo without taking the Mrs to Niagara on the Lake. We were driving but I expect pedestrian is OK too. Lewiston and the Peace Bridge are not, due to truck traffic volume, and the fact that the US has moved some Customs inspectors to the southern border. The US had 9-10 vehicle lanes open when we came back 12-1PM. The Canadian dollar is on the weak side too.
  14. Remember Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg. Arte was the guy on the tricycle too, that kept tipping over! Rip Arte!
  15. So does the Prince Valiant hair.
  16. I'd have a talk with my wife asking WTF we need all this stuff for? How far gone is it? You could have a neighborhood pre-4th party? No time to plan!
  17. I don't think whatever happened with the Antonio Brown deal had anything to do with what the fans may have said. Fans are fans and will always have something to say, just part of being a fan.
  18. The "blue collar" came from all the industrial plants, that are now mostly gone. All those plants were surrounded by neighborhood bars, where the employees used to cash their checks. They also paid their current bar tab and started a new one. They drank whatever was "on tap;" Iraquois, Manru, Schmidts, Kochs, Simon Pure, Carlings, etc. They were happy with whatever was availablere after 8-10 hours in the mill/plant. Can't imagine anyone of them having any interest in the modern craft beers. Hope we keep the Blue Collar ID. Better than pencil neck.
  19. Been in the Richmond area since '04. Used to drive up to DC to go to Wegmans. They slowly worked their way S, and now we have 2 stores. Don't know if they will go farther south, but ya never know? Wegmans in Richmond has: Webers, Sahlens, Bison Dip and Blue etc., etc.
  20. "you don't have to worry, cause you got no Money!" -Proud Mary 5 years to go on the Erie county deal, and nothing will happen till the bonds are amortized.
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