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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Take warm clothes. Forecast snow flurries tonight and hi 40 on Saturday. 1430 start means dark by 1700 and game goes to 1800 ish? That Hi 40 should be trailing off by then.
  2. Supersonic passenger air travel would be welcome. Not flying much higher or faster than we were in the late 50's.
  3. Nothing! Move along!
  4. See what happens with Washington.. If we win, it will be against a bad team. If we lose, the pig's waiting for her lipstick.
  5. I mention the Queen because she seems to get a piece of everything there. Especially the heavy Departure Tax on your airline tickets.
  6. If it happens in London is the fine in USD? Who gets it, Roger or the Queen?
  7. It costs to travel away from home. Check out your "life choice" tolls, gas etc. BTW tolls are rare where we live. If I have to do it on the cheap, I usually don't bother. There may be better options closer to home. The game's on local TV here tomorrow, so life is good.
  8. Actually ALL of the a'fore mentioned are "my speed!"! I do stay in a hotel, as nice as I can afford, rent a car if I decide to fly in, eat out because that's why I'm "home," to enjoy what's not available where I live. Ask any other fan that lives out of town and comes to a game. The way NYS rips people who are visiting/passing through is terrible!
  9. After looking at the: hotel tax, meal tax, car rental tax, gas price, etc., I love it too but quickly remember why I don't live there anymore. And despite all that, I do get to Chef's at least a couple of times.
  10. Only like the red ones. Does that give me a modern day label?
  11. Rather look back in January and say we HAD an easy schedule. Tomorrow may be difficult from a weather standpoint. Hi 62 with rain, but the wind is forecast WSW 24 with gusts to 46. Not quite snow but where else would we rather be?
  12. Been a long time coming, but worth the wait.
  13. Porn, in the funnt underwear? Can't imagine porn with that funny underwear?
  14. At A Waffle House??
  15. Bills/Eagles is scary enough for me! They are not as bad as their record and maybe we're not as good as ours? Hope I'm wrong. Go Bills!.
  16. You remember paying to have someone "watch" your car, somewhere off Best or Northampton Streets.
  17. No fights? Where's our end zone D?
  18. That's all fine, as long as we remain the Buffalo Bills. So tired of suffering all the "hanger on" NE fans who are from some amorphous area known as New England., but nowhere near Boston. Maine comes to mind. Remember a saying that if the USA was colonized from W to E, NE would be unoccupied wilderness. Lived in Seattle for 20 years and they were always trying to attract fans from BC and Alaska. By the time you buy game tickets, travel, eat, stay etc., that's some serious $$ to attend a game that's often televised at home.
  19. So Sad! Sad that our friend is suffering but sadder that nobody's coming up with a cure(s). Lost my Mom in 82 to cancer, and there have been a lot of "walks," fundraisers etc. since then. Wondering if Polio was an epidemic today, would/could anyone have found a cure?
  20. Changed my hat on the way out the door. I know, not supposed to do that BUT it was raining sideways thanks to TS Nester, so had to be practical. Very thankful that the BILLS won.
  21. They don't call it LA LA Land for nothing!
  22. Always wondered what they were making at the Tesla plant.
  23. Well, they are in Illinois, and therefore likely support the local Mafia too.
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