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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. No snow in forecast right now but temps will be below freezing. Better keep track of the pressure in those game balls. They are easier to grip with some air missing.
  2. From a guy who's been there, done that! A Saturday W would be another good step.
  3. Most Pats fans can't deal with the fact that they're no longer there!
  4. Those mid-late 60's teams were the best! Back then, everyone thought that's the way it would be on the future. Not quite, but I am enjoying where we are now.
  5. That's their job security.
  6. Flutie may have led the charge but we lost that one, thanks to the Refs. IF we beat the Cheats, and I really hope that we do, the NE fans will be in full riot mode.
  7. Best watched with the sound OFF!
  8. If you just make "mental bets," the only thing you lose is your mind. I used to enjoy the Lottery till they added all the extra numbers, and jacked the odds so high, that you'll never have a chance.
  9. Try pressing 2 for Spanish.
  10. Like Goodfellas with an Irish Brogue!
  11. Good point BUT, as a person who bought a Kitchen Aid, for his wife. for Christmas, I can say that it's the gift she most wanted, and was very pleased with it. If you go with what she wants, and you can afford it, it's definitely the path to take.
  12. This whole thing is so stupid!! Any Married person knows that you get your wife whatever she asks for at Christmas If she asked for a Peloton, and you can afford it, why not? She'll be happy and your life will be a whole lot easier, at least for a while. I understand that there's also a "monthly fee," to receive whatever is streamed to the bike.
  13. They could cut up those red uniforms to make them!
  14. "No fracking, no fault line?" Anybody seen Harold Ramis lately?
  15. I think they have one at Orchids of Asia too. Lucky that he may have a few more.
  16. Does he party with Robert Kraft?
  17. I blame the Bills Mafia for not "taking care of" the Refs pre-game. On the other hand, post game may have worked too?
  18. Is Joie Chitwood still around? Used to watch him at the Hamburg Fair, very similar.
  19. Hope the Refs had an armored car to leave in.
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