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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Hop to it *****! Can't forget 99 Barbara Feldon.
  2. Somebody put my chair on the wrong side.
  3. As a fan who's much older than Marsha, all I can say is; I wish I could tell you it is going to get better. It's not! The dumbas* should have retired while he was still on top.
  4. Someone with no convictions?
  5. Gotta have that sauce to be able to choke some of their food down. Maybe they mean in dog years.
  6. Have her whacked!
  7. That's a mid east carrier. They could have stoned her in Manchester.
  8. Drew Brees may be available.
  9. Maybe the BILLS could do better for next season? I'm thinking yes, but they usually don't ask me.
  10. Jerrah fired him to hire Jason Garrett, so maybe not?
  11. Cannot imagine Mike getting along with Jerrah. Who's in charge here?
  12. Just seeing Marsha throw that pick-6, and the Cheatriots lose, was enough to pick me up! Oh, and the Sabres win was nice too.
  13. Been a fan since their beginning. I was in HS and college mid 60's when they were champions. I foolishly thought that would continue. So we've both had our rough stretches but having lived in N VA, Chicago, Houston (Oilers) and Seattle, I've never not been a BILLS fan. It's great to see us back near the top but have been disappointed enough to just hope for the W but....we'll see!
  14. The small town market prevails again! Are you watching Roger?
  15. The "In a good way" part only applyies IF we leave Houston with a W.
  17. They bake their pizza with the litter box? Not surprised it smelled weird.
  18. Very sorry for your loss. We're on Golden Retriever #6, over 38 years. Lindy Ruff was rescued from the SPCA 12/08. They said they thought he was 1yr. So if that's true he's 12+. Very slow on stair climbing now, but still very happy. I know the day is coming for him but it will still be very difficult. All pets are special but dogs form a special attachment. My wife says this is our last dog but I say day at a time. I've had a dog my whole life, and can't imagine not owning one, so we'll see.
  19. Not the kind of shots Kraft looks for!
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