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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Hammer time??
  2. Best of luck to him. I've torn them on both sides. The first one was from an accident, and it was a painful recovery. The other one was because I got old, and was a relatively easy time, at least when I compare it to the first one. Looks like he's wearing the love seat on a sling, so that's what I had the first time.
  3. Happy Birthday! Here's to another year on the right side of the grass.
  4. I lived in Seattle for a number of years. Washington State had no income tax BUT they made up for it in enough other ways to negate that advantage. Many people in Portland Oregon, live in Washing State for the above reason. Oregon has no state sales tax so a lot of people from Washington drive to Oregon to by big screen TV's etc. Used to see a similar thing in Buffalo where retirees go to Canada for RX drugs while the Canadians come to the US for dental and doc visits. Not sure if that still applies now that entering Canada is more complicated.
  5. All the work of the Joker. Hope no one was Offended!
  6. Should have been ejected after that hit. Fine their crooked too!
  7. That would definitely change if he were playing for the BILLS.
  8. Firefox. Not perfect but it is helpful.
  9. Too bad we don't have/see a lot more Dwayne Wade's.
  10. Didn't know Hackett had left his mentor in Jacksonville.
  11. He was taunting the car...throw the flag.
  12. That's entertainment?? I thought we had it bad in Richmond with radio programming. Not anymore.
  13. No worries! if you go back, you'll lose your appetite before you get down to the wharf.
  14. He was Belushi's customer in Samurai Sandwich shop too.
  15. Maybe some fools gold on my Sahlens. Oh wait, that's Webers.
  16. I must be shopping at the wrong Wegmans. maybe living in Virginia has something to do with that?
  17. Always thought that took the place of ax.
  18. Preventative. Where the F did the extra TA come from. It's always been preventive. Close runner up Off Ramp.
  19. Awesome nails it! Maybe Cool too.
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