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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Wheelhouse for $400 Alex.
  2. That looks painful! Where's it plug in?
  3. Even a broken watch is right 2x a day. Is this our time?
  4. Sometimes, after the season, you can find deals on artificial turf. As long as you don't mind the big white lines and a few numbers, here and there.
  5. Artificial turf is kinds foolproof.
  6. Halftime? Hope you don't have any 3dr quarter "accidents."
  7. Does Clark Griswold know about this?
  8. Thank God it's too soon to worry about cutting the grass. Is bowling still on TV. Are the Thruway Lanes even there anymore?
  9. IF Daryl Lamonica had stayed a BILL, we would have been in SB I instead of Kansas City. Maybe SB II & III too.
  10. That was one of the early QB controversies. Daryl & Jack Kemp. Who should start, who should finish, who's better, etc. etc. A lot of very animated bar conversation out of that.
  11. Care for a thin mint Mr Creosote? Rip Sir Bedevere.
  12. Daryl was one of our great players. Trading him was one of the premier bone head moves Buffalo ever made! We got Tom Flores & Art Powell. I know Tom & Art who??? That old Pirate Al Davis is probably still smiling about that. Ralph was cheap 50+ years ago too! You don't find nice neighbors like that anymore. Did your Mom have a laugh about that?
  13. Hopefully NO! He's an overpr0cedi injury prone hit man.
  14. You guys need to get a grip! We are all BILLS fans, and having to put up with the past 25 years gives all of us a pass. There are no bad people here.
  15. Up against the wall?
  16. Is that from a vinyl record?
  17. Last summer, my wife, Mrs "Lindy will be our last dog," and I, were walking around Niagara on the Lake. It seems to be very dog friendly. We saw a Bouvier des Flandres and a Berne-doodle Bernese/Poodle mix. They were both beautiful but the Beauvier was especially memorable. Never saw one before, except on TV at Westminster Dog show. These were young dogs and their owners were walking them to "socialize" them. Mrs. "our last dog" would have taken either, or maybe both home. Would have made for an interesting border crossing, but this is why I say day at a time, and we'll see. I expect she will weaken. Only have to hope I don't regret it! The Bernese mix was just black & white. I asked his owner where his brown marks were on his face? He said some of them just come out black & white. I said, I'll bet you got a deal then? He just smiled.
  18. I'm on #6 too, going back to 1972. Found this one, Lindy Ruff, at the Richmond SPCA 12/08. I think he was a run away. Fairly wild but he calmed down very quickly. They told me he was "about 1?" So he's getting up there now. Some mobility issues on stairs but good appetite and no accidents, so he's a gift. I dread the day when we have to take him in. My wife says Lindy is "our last dog," but I say day at a time. I've always had a dog, so don't want to think about that. Come to think of it, I've had dogs a lot more years than I've been married.
  19. Used to have a Braille Playboy in the office. Good for many laughs, back when you could laugh without offending someone.
  20. Alaways hard to tell "the right time" when it comes to this decision. You are understandably emotionally attached to your dog, as all dog/pet owners are. Rely on your Vet to help you with this. When the time comes, stay with him till the end. He would do the same for you.
  21. What did he miss while he was saving the public from a rogue nail clipper? Few take TSA seriously.
  22. Well it is on I-90 AND the NYC (or whatever it's called now) tracks. Training camp is in Rochester. It's flat, plenty of parking spaces. No high downtown land acquisition cost. Cuomo may come up with a Batavia Billion. There may be some dots there.
  23. Will that start in CA? Maybe the new LA stadium?
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