Last summer, my wife, Mrs "Lindy will be our last dog," and I, were walking around Niagara on the Lake. It seems to be very dog friendly. We saw a Bouvier des Flandres and a Berne-doodle Bernese/Poodle mix. They were both beautiful but the Beauvier was especially memorable. Never saw one before, except on TV at Westminster Dog show. These were young dogs and their owners were walking them to "socialize" them. Mrs. "our last dog" would have taken either, or maybe both home. Would have made for an interesting border crossing, but this is why I say day at a time, and we'll see. I expect she will weaken. Only have to hope I don't regret it!
The Bernese mix was just black & white. I asked his owner where his brown marks were on his face? He said some of them just come out black & white. I said, I'll bet you got a deal then? He just smiled.