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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. How happy will you be with the $30 fix? Probably Not worth putting $200 in either. I like Plenz's Costco idea. Look at their site and see what they have that you like. BestBuy is another option.
  2. If the airlines would remove the last row of seats, on all types, and give people a little more leg room, maybe this "problem" would go away. On the other hand, why not just disable the recline feature from the seats. If people are too immature to properly manage it, just take it away. Not sure it would be missed.
  3. If he wore a slip, that would explain a lot.
  4. Seeing the way he dresses, have to say YES!
  5. What will they look like with their comp New Era hats?
  6. Having lived in Seattle for 17 years, 10 months of drizzle & fog, followed by fog & drizzle are more than enough to at least consider killing yourself. There are a LOT of alcoholics and suicides there. We left in 2003, well before the whole place went to hell. August and September are beautiful!
  7. He's now in witness protection. We only think he's dead!
  8. School districts exist on OPM (other people's money). If they "pony up," they will pass the pony on to you.
  9. Because we are having an unseasonably warm/wet winter, I expect them to be unbearable this summer. Along with fleas, and other biting annoyances. When we lived in Seattle, our house backed up to a "storm accumulation reservoir." It accumulated run off rain water and, being in Seattle, it got very full during the winter, That was a perfect breeding ground for mosquito's. Starting In the spring, we used to see many little grey swallow type birds. Great to watch, as they flew around the yard, and they were picking mosquito's out of the air. Never had any mosquito problems, thanks to those birds. Wish I had a lot of them here, they would be very happy.
  10. Must be two fer Tuesday.
  11. Good to see that pain in the a*s metric system is finally serving a purpose.
  12. Living in the Richmond area, we see a lot of "halfbacks." They are people who have already left Buffalo, Cleveland & Pittsburgh etc., moved to Florida, either didn't like the climate or decided it was too far from family, but didn't want to go all the way back to where they originated. So they live in this area. I'm from Buffalo and my wife is from Gainesville FLA. We still see our share of' Snowbirds from Maine, Ontario, Quebec PA, NJ and NYS on I-95 & I-295 heading S in October-November and back N in March-April. Many have big motor homes or 5th wheels, and also we see car trailer trucks with 6-10 vehicles making the same seasonal type trips.
  13. Now we've moved on to the dreaded Double Dog Dare!
  14. Had not thought about Loblaws in a very long time. Not aware of Pages, but growing up in S Buffalo, didn't get to the Falls area very often, till college.
  15. Fortunately, I don't have that problem, but my wife does. Keeps me away from the parks now because I don't want to ride alone.
  16. Same Hunt's! Was thinking of that when I saw Mrs Hunt on the SB.
  17. Remember watching the Wild Wild West & Bonanza on TV. They were the earliest TV shows, that I was interested in, shown in color. Used to be a big deal at one time. Orson was a few years earlier, mostly B&W game shows but may have been on TV more years.
  18. Had an uncle, that was incredibly cheap, used to always point out the sign near the Derby Rd entrance. It said SUCKERS! Loved the Comet and the Giant Coaster too, in a much calmer way. Worked at the Peace bridge for 2 summers while in college. The toll was .25 each way. We used to have to roll the freakin quarters! And separate the American from the Canadian. There were some employees, much older than me, that used to pick the silver quarters out of the rolls, and replace them with the newer "sandwich" types. Years later, the Hunt Bros. (Lamar Hunt KC Chiefs) actually crashed the silver market because they couldn't cover their margin calls on silver. Kind of like the Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places.
  19. It told them it was sick.
  20. Blessings on your Mom, you and your family.
  21. Nothing against Ralph but he was, for the long haul, never nearly as committed as Terry & Kim. He "settled" for Buffalo as an AFL franchise location. Ralph mostly lived in Detroit.
  22. I thought it was another new stadium story.
  23. Maybe that's why they mostly closed?
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