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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Buffalo NY-Of Course/57/Chester, VA..S of Richmond. Previous...Arlington, Alexandria & Sterling, VA, Seattle, Chicago, and Houston.
  2. Why do they call asteroids, ASTEROIDS and hemorrhoids, HEMORRHOIDS, shouldn't they be reversed???
  3. It's tax season! Maybe he needs an extra dependent.
  4. I lived in Washington state, and there was a bumber sticker that said: WASHINGTON STATE U-THE BEST 7 OR 8 YEARS OF MY LIFE! That's while Drew was still playing there!
  5. Niagara U. 1969! One year ahead of the paragon of morality & family values a.k.a. Calvin Murphy.
  6. The Sabres are a lot like the lottery..........Long odds, but you have to play to win!
  7. I'm going to rock your world!!!
  8. Whatever happened to simple stump jumping???
  9. Wait! I just saw Elvis. Hi Daddy!
  10. I still believe that if Drew had decent coaching, and game plans, for the first two years, instead of the Greg & Kevin show, that things may have been better for him and the BILLS!
  11. What does that do to our cap room??? TD always said he was holding out for the b®est player available!
  12. I had a friend who, after drinking the pre-procedure "stuff," tried to chase it with some Gin, to kill the taste. He threw up & had to start all over again! I understand that some doctors now have a "tasteless pill" that has the same effect.
  13. I shouldn't say this, but, park on the edge of CW, take your family and walk the town. See how interested your son really is before you put your money down. CW is a totally open area, so walking around, at your leisure and your own pace is fine. You won't be able to go into most of the buildings without a badge, but there's a building on Duke of Glouster Street called the Lumber House where you can buy any pass combination you want. You can easily spend $80-$90 for your family, you make the call with a 7 year old, they're all unique!
  14. They have good fireworks on July 4th...but it will be very crowded and probably very hot & humid. Bring bottled water, you'll be glad you did!
  15. Re: the white helmets...I always liked them, however, I remember it being said that they were changed because Joe Ferguson was throwing too many Int's. At that time, the Jets, Pats, Colts, Dolphins & us ALL had white helmets, in the AFC East. I don't know if that's really why we went to red, but that's the way it was!
  16. Get a grip man! If this was August, that would be news.
  17. I agree, keep Nate, and play your cards and take your chances with the rest! Some of them may not make the 05 team, and the rest will be one year/one season older.
  18. Is that a real picture, or an exhibit at some cowboy wax museum?
  19. It has to be balanced! I agree with the agressive part, but if you bring in too many vet's, you may get short-term help, but everybody will get old together...and then what? George Allen did that in the 70's. "the future is now!" Well the future was now, and the Redskins were great, for a few years, but Sonny & Billy got old at the same time, and they were up the creek. Our Super Bowl years were mostly the result of the draft-thanks to Bill Polian. If we could do that again, I'd be very happy, but it takes years to pull it all together. Meantime, Ralph isn't getting any younger, so maybe "the future is now"!
  20. Could be the desert heat!
  21. I really don't know a lot about Shelton. Absent the trade talk, would he even be a consideration? However, I did live in Seattle, in the late 80's when his dad played center for the Sonics, and it seems to me that a lot of what Dennis Green has to say about our prospect, is an echo of the past. If you believe the adage that the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, maybe the Bills better shop around a little more!
  22. http://www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op...ha&file=hoedown
  23. As long as he beats Greg Williams' Redskins 2X next season, I'll be happy!
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