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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. That's why nobody uses those freakin Roman Numerals anymore! Too confusing for all the children left behind. Now if we could just kick the metric system out we'd be just fine!
  2. Rent a car! You can't travel that far and be so close to two WEGMANS without stocking up!
  3. That's probably easier said than done! I'll rely on the fans who still live in WNY to identify the possible high rollers. Has anybody approached the Seneca's? They could turn the fieldhouse into a mini-casino and COMP the game tickets to their loyal players, enclose the RALPH with no windows and no clocks-except the Game Clock-so they could sell drinks after half time, and even offer a free tank of gas for the long drive home. Don't forget TOYOTA. Didn't they buy up some remaining tickets last season so a game could be televised? They already have a truck called TACOMA, a big seller with the Seahawks fans! Whu not a new SUV called the ORCHARD PARK, or remarket the AVALON as the DELAWARE AVE.?
  4. Who picked up the check?
  5. Remember, after the game, tell everyone you're "GOING TO DISNEYWORLD"
  6. Absolutely Not! Just longing for something to be Positive about. After: 8 and 8 with Wade that looks good now! Greg Williams/Kevin Gilbride/Tom D./Surfer Dude/Drew/MM etc. etc. etc.
  7. That's what I thought! Is that one of Detroit's better clubs?
  8. More like the Pittsburgh Drum Roll!
  9. I hope PORKFACE aka Mike "The Genius" Holmgren gets his as* handed to him
  10. Which one is Miss Daisey?
  11. What does this person teach, GREEK?
  12. Looks like a "hot dog" player to me! I think his first name is TED.
  13. I guess someone's got to carry Greg's clip board!
  14. It's nice to know there are some who are worse off than we are!
  15. Modrak was seen at one of the Early Bird Seniors' buffets...and yes he had a coupon!
  16. I believe that TD was "blown away" by Greg Williams' interview.
  17. I'm still holding out for the Kato pic's.
  18. I look at TBD for news and then over to the Wall, but NEVER post anything from work. Seems like all the best topics get posted while I'm unable to join, but my employer is too anal to understand!
  19. Is that the old fart who coaches the WING-T???
  20. I'm waiting for Sean (hey I'm not wearing pants) Salsbury to make the Final Announcement!
  21. You are entering the Twilight Zone!
  22. I understand the Green Bay deal is a grandfather type issue and the NFL no longer permits publicly owned teams. It's a very exclusive Boys Club and that's how they end up with many of the inbred idiots that own the teams.
  23. Time for a SNICKERS!
  24. So now after 5 years of Pittsburg cronies/cast-offs we're going to hire all the Chicago rejects? How can anyone feel good about this?
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