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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. That is incredibly funny! You could substitute the Commissioner with TD, keep the same dialogue and it would be even better.
  2. A good foundation for the BILLS version of the OVER THE HILL GANG!
  3. This is too funny! The start page says HASEK INJURED IN FIRST GAME-by-CRAP THROWING MONKEY! Where exactly did the Monkey Crap hit him???
  4. As the old saying goes: Figures Lie and Liers Figure!
  5. He basiclly make sure that the Starbucks & Lunch orders are correct and that everybody gets the right change back! On the road he decides who gets the window and who gets the aisle so that nothing occurs that would be "offensive."
  6. What a suprise! Everybody thought it was WIDE RIGHT!
  7. I don't know! USC is not an Ivy League School. Could be some communication issues!
  8. Shouldn't it be: X/XVII/MCMXVIII?
  9. Can't wait to play them! I'm ready for another 55-3 score. Can you believe the BILLS scored 55 against anybody?
  10. That's sad! Living in Richmond VA. I could never pick KB up in the AM but listened almost every night. Now they got some LWH (Left Wing HO) that's making everyone bored again! What a waste of 50,000 watts!
  11. There is life after ownership change!
  12. Should have asked her for more GOOD ADVICE!
  13. The Pro Bowl has come a long way! 30 years ago they used to stand on street corners in Honolulu and hand out tickets for free. It's still not worth watching!
  14. As soon as Paul Allen sends me a big check, I may sign!
  15. So who gives a F***?
  16. If you believe that it takes a lot of money to FIX a game then the SEAHAWKS would have won in a walk. Paul Allen has enough money to fix anything!
  17. The only thing missing would have been an intro by DICK CLARK!
  18. I disagree! Paul Allen has more money than GOD! If anyone could WWE it he could. The reason Seattle never did anything before is that they used to play Denver, Kansas City & Oakland (when they were good), Now they get Arizona, St. Louis & San Francisco and before they break a sweat they're 6-0!
  19. So all things considered, especially the all money spent on these spots, who is really going to purchase any of the products? Commercials remain commercials and if you're at a party, watching the game, talking to your friends and generally enjoying yourself, you're going to use the commercial time to take care of business ala take a leak, so what's the point?
  20. I guess every last one of us would rather Thurman had a Super Bowl Ring!
  21. Support the AFC? The STEELERS are old NFC. The SEAHAWKS expanded into the NFC, moved to the AFC, for many years, and are now back in the NFC. So the NFL has things so screwed up that you might say that the NFC is playing the NFC today!
  22. C'mon CANADA! We need a bunch of you guys to emigrate South, legality is NOT important. We need to get our numbers up to catch those "6" people equivalents in LA. Way to go NFL! The "LA market" can't; speak read or understand english, does not have enough discretionary income to go to a game on a regular basis, and if they get there don't give a rat's as* about football. We already lost the BRAVES/CLIPPERS and they are a huge success in the BIG market!
  23. As long as you have your Windsor escort(s) lined up, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!
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