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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I finished mine in 1970! GTF out of NY.
  2. Jesse always says: KEEP HOPE ALIVE!
  3. No wonder we can never geed a reliable forecast!
  4. It's all a numbers game! Not as bad as the CBA but still all numbers. The Airlines are betting that a certain percentage of passengers will no-show so they overbook by a more or less equivalent amount to try to fill ALL the seats. They win some and they lose some but when they lose they end up with pissed off passengers. As for the government stepping in-forget about it! The airlines are deregulated. If they were regulated or re-regulated the government would tell the airlines where and when they could fly and also approve the fares. The fares would be based on the actual recovery of operating costs...including fuel... and that would be the end of cheap fares. That would also solve the air traffic delays because there would be fewer airliners in the system. Before you hold your breath waiting for the government to do something keep notice of the government politicians. When was the last time you saw any of them flying on an airline?
  5. I'm waiting for DIAMONDBACK MOUNTAIN! I think they're having trouble finding gay snakes.
  6. What happened is called DEREGULATION and it happened in 1978! You think the snack boxes are bad, the maintenance is farmed out to the lowest bidder, mostly outside the USA with little or no FAA oversight. Many of the DC-9's (NW) and 737-200's (DL) are 30-35 years old. All those "Lawn Dart" jets are flown by kids who make NO money and have NO experience. Every 2-3 years the Lawn Dart holding companies have to rebid their services with the respective airlines, the seniority deck gets shuffled, and you get another group of young pilots who have agreed to work for less money than the one's they replaced. They all think they'll someday make the big $$$, but those days are gone. Many of the pilots are foreign nationals-not US citizens- who are allowed to work in the USA while if we went to their respective countries to ask for a job they would throw us out! The Lawn Darts choke the Air Traffic System so you see monster delays in EWR, PHL, ORD, SFO almost daily. Everybody gets a cheap fare but the US Taxpayers end up getting stuck with paying airline pensions. Having said all that, I wish I could tell you it's going to get better!
  7. No sweat! Take it up to 30,000', unpressurized, and unless they can get the oxygen mask over their little snakey nose and mouth they're dead snakes.
  8. I've seen a lot of snakes on a plane. They're all flying on frequent flyer miles too!
  9. That could have put someone's eye out!
  10. Don't forget about all the Gordie's in Ottawa EH?
  11. No Grand Slam Breakfast for him!
  12. As in most cases, the movie in no way did justice to the book. Last time we were there, we took the "book tour." I'll never forget, the driver had a tatoo of the bird girl between his knee and his ankle! It's a great place! I never have figured out how/when the Irish arrived?
  13. You may be right but everytime I see him it's like looking at RJ all over again!
  14. "Sooth, Sooth, we give good Sooth!-Charlie Callas-History of the World Part I.
  15. The Play's the Thing!
  16. That's sad but true! I switched from Chev/Buick to Nissan in 1983. I just got fed up with being on a first name basis with MR. GOODWRENCH!
  17. Dante' will like Miami! Lots'a boats and water!
  18. He took a page from the Greg Williams HOW TO INTERVIEW WELL handbook. Talk is truly cheap, buh bye now!
  19. I absolutely agree! We had a shot at him last year when the Cardinals let him go. He didn't do anything special in Cleveland. This is no big deal!
  20. I think it was a mistake running it after the Soprano's. Unless two of the wives get wacked next week, what Soprano's viewer would be interested? Are there any wise guys in Utah?
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