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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Seperate Vacations.....PRICELESS!
  2. What's up with; RUNNERS & BAR-BACKS? Don't they get drafted?
  3. Anybody know how much HSBC is paying for AUD II?
  4. I don't believe there to be anything sinister about the schedule. I don't think the "vast right wing conspiracy" had anything to do with it. On the other hand, for all the people who have recently posted ideas to the effect that the reason the BILLS will leave is; lack of support, not buying enough team products etc. etc., this late season will be the perfect time demonstrate that missing support. Buy those tickets, attend the games and start driving Toyota products because if we come up a few seats short of a sell-out, Toyota seems to be one of the few corporate sponsors who will step up and make a near capacity game a sell-out.
  5. Well they can mostly talk the talk, time will tell if any of them can actually walk the walk!
  6. You have yourself to blame for voting for your elected representatives but to blame yourself for the future of the BILLS?
  7. There are still a lot of good seats available at the AUD!
  8. Does it have a happy ending?
  9. What happened to: auto worker, airline employee, or any other industry that's been de-regulated or gone thru the accounting slight of hand called bankruptcy!
  10. Guilty as charged! But wait, I'm off every Friday & Saturday.
  11. "If Ole Whitey was still here" we'd take...THE GAS PIPE!
  12. The undertaker would have to work for days to wipe that stupid grin off your face!
  13. Agreed! The good thing about Flutie is that with our lack of protection, he dosen't have as far to fall when he gets knocked on his as-*
  14. That's a shame! I lived up there 1970-1978 when Vince Lombardi and George Allen were coaches and they played at RFK. As you point out season tickets were passed down within families. The stadium was sold out for the whole season, which made it good for TV considering no cable and certainly no DTV. Unfortunately, the people who make the laws and grant the anti-trust exemptions can go whenever they want, with the best seats, so they don't care about you the ordinary fan. Lobbyists, judges, generals etc. rule and they're not even spending their own money most of the time. To spend the kind of money you're talking about is impossible for most people. The entertainment value in no way justifies the price of the ticket. Very sad!
  15. Figures lie and liers figure!
  16. They're staying in Buffalo but they'll play in the AUD!
  17. Who couldn't spell CAT if you spotted him the C and the A.
  18. Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says ! he is a n American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt 1907
  19. In the unlikely event of a water landing your extra balls may be used as a flotation device!
  20. It's more than "median income." The so called big markets are big not solely due to income but also due to significant Corporate and, in the case of Washington, Governemnt subscriptions. 70% of the Redskins "fans" are; government big shots, lobbyists, corporate types sucking up to the government big shots AND the lobbyists. Everybody is spending somebody else's money so nobody gives a rat's as* what Snyder charges. Dallas is a similar situation but all oil/energy money. It's sad, but that's what the small market teams are up against. As for the NFL's fixation with LA, unless they start having bull fights for the half time entertainment, or coupons for cut rate coke, LA will fail yet again.
  21. Smoke em if you can afford em!
  22. The next best thing would be for the bone-head NFL to forget LA! Been there, done that, twice, with zero success. Do they think the 500,000 illegals demanding their rights give a sh*t about NFL football? Could they afford season tickets, parking, a couple of $8 beers and IF they could would they be interested? Will they eventually drive the popoulation farther out of the city? The great perceived fan base is not interested in fighting the traffic to/from a game, at a yet to be determined location, after running the traffic rat race from hell, for the previous 5 day work week. LA is in the past and Tags needs to wake up, get a grip, and tend to what he has, while it lasts!
  23. Or give a sh*t if they are successful?
  24. I would think you would get more than enough horror by signing up for NFL Sunday Ticket in 2006!
  25. It's a "problem" when the one of the main conditions of your continued employment is passing the pee-pee test, and you can't do it because certain drug(s) keep eating the litmus paper!
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