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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Does it play thru your 8-track?
  2. It's like Greg Williams..their "interview blew me away!"
  3. That will be an improvement, better than driving out to Dulles. I've never been to the store in Fairfax because of the traffic. I think the Woodbridge in the web site is actually closer to Dale City, someplace near the Potomac Mills Mall at least that's what a Wegman's employee told me last time I went up there.
  4. I remember going to the Armed Force's Induction center Main/North streets! They gave us a lunch voucher good at the Anchor Bar. That was Viet Nam era before anybody knew what the fu*k a chicken wing was. I never have gone back to the Anchor Bar, or Viet Nam for that matter!
  5. Maybe somebody needs to break his other leg! Sorry for that! I'm waiting for tomorrow's Sopranos and it just popped out!
  6. I don't disagree but long story short who needs Nate's attitude! He should be selling the coach's on his ability, not the other way around! Let's see if he can earn his 7+ mil. this season.
  7. It was one of the all time great games! You not only had the suspense and excitement of the game but the added suspense that OLN would switch to the AV's game before the Sabres game was over!
  8. Unfortunately they have not made it to Richmond yet!
  9. OJ was always a closet Steelers fan! He helped them win everytime we played them! Having said that, I believe he was an even bigger closet Dolphins fan!
  10. WOW now I can complete my autograph collection. I was missing AL COWLINGS!
  11. Obviously that's too good for him! I'm in favor of a good old 7th century, religion of peace, beheading. After that's done hang him on the fence at the S lawn of the White House with a sign saying CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR!
  12. He's very funny except if you live in the left coast!
  13. How would you like to have FIRST RUNNER UP in the CAPTAIN KANGAROO LOOK ALIKE CONTEST standing behing your bench?
  14. Don't ever remember seeing anything like them at the Broadway Market!
  15. Sloppy (fill in your own number)!
  16. That's good news. They've been waiting for a WIDE BODY at BUF for years!
  17. No doubt about it, Mort is a TOOL!
  18. If she gets the money she'll be Mike Williams' weight in 30 days!
  19. I'm waiting for him to have an illegal immigration discussion with Topo Gigio!
  20. Maybe you could hook up with Mel Kiper and go with him to one of his hair appointments!
  21. Rule of thumb- If you live outside the area where your team plays, don't ever count on anything close to satisfactory sports coverage. And the farther you are from your team the worse it gets! And if you leave the USA, forget about it altogether. Thank God for the internet!
  22. Giving grades on team draft picks is a joke! Nobody gives two sh*ts about their "grades" anyway. If they had any sense, they would get ESPN to have a big pre-draft show in 2007 and compare the premature post draft day picks with the actual year end performance. I don't think Mel Kiper etc. would agree to that, but it would be far more interesting and better than watching bowling.
  23. Maybe they could get our old team aka the LA Clippers!
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