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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I think they all ended up in Florida! http://www.local6.com/news/9283707/detail.html
  2. At least the game is early enough in the season that snow should not be an issue. You don't want to land on those short MDW runways when it's snowing!
  3. So which AHL Shangrila does this Bozo play for? What a joke to think any player in any AHL city would not jump at the chance to move up to ANY NHL team at ANY location!
  4. Exactly! Wheres's the ALL OF THE ABOVE choice?
  5. Yeah, that's the ticket, Cursed with POOR MANAGEMENT!
  6. Hmmm, wonder whay gave them the muchies?
  7. Every time i see that guy I remeber when he got caught, outside a bar in Kirkland WA., "exposing himself". That's why ESPN keeps him SEATED, behind a desk, most of the time. PANTS OPTIONAL!
  8. Peeing is only effective if your team has the obligatory yellow color in their logo! It's great if you're a Packers fan!
  9. I always thought the left lane was for the drunks and the people who do not speak, read or understand English, and who may also be drunk, driving the WRONG WAY, and therefore never drive in the left lane without having 1-2 cars in front of me, in the left lane.
  10. Is that what Anna Nicole used?
  11. Exactly what did this nit-wit think the fans should have done as a result of Chapter 11? The same thing could happen to them if some Carolina Crook got his hooks into their team, and the fans would also be powerless!
  12. You guys are getting "sucked in." Don't "blow" Vito's cover! He's really on his way to Afghanistan, as a spy.
  13. Tickets available at BAPTIST SPORTS PARK? Hope the ACLU dosen't find out!
  14. NBC would fu*k up a wet dream! I thought they got out of sports except for the ever exciting Olympics. I still have not forgiven them for the Heidi game in 1968!
  15. What would Greg Williams say?
  16. It wasn't the $600, it was the Police Report!
  17. Maybe they could hire OJ to find Jon Benet Ramsey's killer!
  18. Unlsee I'm mistaken, Takeo's company bought a block of tickets for a BILLS late season game, last season, so the game could be seen on TV!
  19. He's their latest CONCEALED WEAPON!
  20. Mention John Muckler's name and get a GOOD SEAT!
  21. The hockey gods owe us-BIG TIME!
  22. Go for the better weather-October.
  23. Tough choice! Casserly or TD. They're both genius', just ask them!
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