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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Why do they call Asteroids "Asteroids" and Hemorrhoids "Hemorrhoids" and shouldn't the names be reversed? I would love to see an article telling me that the earth was on a collision course with a GIANT HEMORRHOID.
  2. I feel your frustration! Having done the same thing myself, even if you had been successful, they would have come back at you the next year and it would be the same old sh*t all over again. Taxes are the one thing that keeps me from moving back to WNY, but the politicians and assessors just don't get it!
  3. I'll be in. The Airport never closes! LGA, EWR & DCA caused a lot of sh*t yesterday. I'd like to be off, but am very happy to not have to fly anywhere.
  4. The ASPCA and PETA are investigating to see if there was any cruelty done to any Flamingo lawn ornaments! The lawn gnomes are discussing working conditions with their union!
  5. After all the money that the NFL poured into the trashed Superdome, I fully expect that there will be some kind of solution. If not, then I expect Tom Benson to "get whacked" on a contract put out by Tags himself!
  6. Look on the bright side, it didn't happen in December!
  7. The AUD would make a far better Convention Center than what Buffalo now uses as a convention center. Great location, convenient parking and it could even draw more hotels and restaurants down to that end of Main Stif it were marketed properly.
  8. How much Air and how much Brush would you need to do that?
  9. It was the Thruway's 50th Birthday party and "someone left the cake out in the rain."
  10. Marv likes the WING-T! Don't overlook the FORWARD LATERAL!
  11. I've been to many of them but still miss Crystal Beach.
  12. They are always popular with 49er fans!
  13. Isn't that a form of Child Abuse?
  14. If you get in an accident, they give you a square in the quilt!
  15. That could come in handy for our next season. Nothing like always being UP for the game!
  16. What does he think about the Kennedy assination and the shoot down of TW 800?
  17. Can you catch anything that has no known cure?
  18. It's Thunder Storm season at ORD! Order a deep dish pizza and settle in.
  19. I can't do that! It would violate the terms of my parole!
  20. Maybe she should start puffing 3 packs a day, then blame the tobacco company for her "problem." I'll bet her last name is Dumbas*!
  21. He'll be traveling with his own "riser."
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