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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Jaws always makes me cry, he should do the same for Vermeil!
  2. To enter another country you ALWAYS need proof of citizenship. They may not ask for it, but they are entitled to do so. Neither a drivers license nor Social Security card are acceptable as proof of citizenship. If you don't have a passport, bring your birth certificate.
  3. Great information! I am recovering from the surgery, 8/4/06, and it's nice to see what I slept through. I had a "complex tear", not a rupture so that should shorten my recovery time. I'm wearing a "boot" that started out with 4 rubber wedges under the heel. They remove 1 wedge at a time that eventually lowers your heel down to its normal flat position. After 5 weeks, I've got 2 wedges to go. Not the most fun I ever had, but it was so painful before the surgery that I don't know what I would have done without that option. No doubt TKO has been through a lot so I hope he is fully recovered.
  4. Red Green could be the coach and the could do the indoor workouts at Possom Lodge!
  5. I think they call it THE SOUTH BEACH TOSS! Poor guy's probably having too many "skinny meals" with Dan Marino!
  6. Real Pizza should not make you fart!
  7. How can they play well in those butt ugly uniforms???
  8. Reminds me of the old 70's Nixon campaign slogan: You need more than one Dick to get a good screw....Re-elect Nixon in 72!
  9. I think he should ask Ron Mexico for some advise!
  10. So how did they end up with an ODD NUMBER of violations?
  11. GEE, HE "BLEW" TD AWAY in the interview!
  12. I heard the guy at the bronze foundary switched it with a batch from his poodle!
  13. Two of the all time great BULL SHI**ERS!
  14. breasts as a gift???? Can you exchange them for something you REALLY WANT?
  15. Looks like something Greg Williams would have come up with!
  16. That's one expensive party!
  17. He used to play at the Crystal Ballroom at Crystal Beach! Those were the days. May he rest in peace.
  18. So was the drunk in the driveway a member of Bush's "Guest Drunk Program?"
  19. Whatever happened to MUTUAL ASSURED DISTRUCTION? The USA needs to get the word out, in the desert, that if we ever lose another airplane, or have any kind of islamo-facist attack on our home soil, the following will happen: The Dome on the Rock will be an ashtray, Mecca-Gone, Medina-Gone, Teheran-Gone, the entire Afghan Pakistan border-a nuclear wasteland for 1000 years. If we're attacked, DO IT! Hopefully during one of their "Parades." No more PC, PR, UN etc. The only thing this 7th century culture understands is complete and overwhelming distruction. If we are forced to DO IT, don't give them a dime to rebuild, as Bush is trying to do with Lebannon. Use only air & sea resources, no ground troops.
  20. What an embarrassment! www.aviationplanning.com/asrc1.htm
  21. You mean like the gal that made the anal sex video and got fired?
  22. He'll be the guy sitting next to Elvis!
  23. Absolutely right! I wouldn't mind seeing Nall play the entire first half. That's no big seal considering pre-season. JP needs some competition and he's not going to see it from Holcomb. If Nall starts, and has a good start, JP would be forced to step up and prove that he is number one.
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