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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Bledsoe may be working for/at Burger King next season!
  2. You must not live in WNY! If you did, your 94 Honda would have completely rusted out by 1998.
  3. Maybe she needed John Kerry to tell the joke!
  4. I tried to get MO FO which are my wife & I's initials but I've been turned down in the last three states where I lived!
  5. Was the job done by those "who do the jobs Americans won't do?"
  6. Shoulda gone to NEVERLAND RANCH! The lines are short right now and, no doubt, a fine young man such as that would have been treated much better!
  7. How bout if you're in the woods? If a man stood up an pis*ed in the forest would it make a sound?
  8. You get pregnant from skid marks?
  9. I pity the first MALE coach/teacher who even thinks about messing with any of the little princesses! He'll have 30 years to perfect his rodeo act in the Texas Prison Rodeo.
  10. I smell a payraise! Snyder is dumb as a bag of hammers!
  11. Yeah, they were always my fav's but the 90's were OK too. Everytime I look at the current uniforms all I can think of is Greggy & Killdrive!
  12. If they could only dump that obnoxious band!
  13. As a retiree from United (35years) thry're not making enough to afford a cell phone or camera!
  14. I gave Jerry Ford a ride home from Dulles Airport! It was either 1971 or 1972, his flight got in late, and nobody was there to meet him. (How times have changed!) We both lived in Alexandria VA. and my boss let me leave early to take him home. The main thing I remember about our conversation was how he kept telling me what a great guy Richard Nixon was! Personally, I always thought Nixon was a horse's a*s, but for once I kept my feelings to myself. He was a good man, and I voted for him in 1976. I did NOT vote for Nixon in 70 or 74 and was too young to to vote against him when JFK won in 1960. RIP Jerry!
  15. Airline passengers get what they pay for! The majority of airlines don't even directly employ the ticket agents and/or ramp people. They work for contract companies called JETSTREAM, AMR, DGS etc. Low pay, no benefits, and these are the people who CAN get an airport badge! Most of the "applicants" can't pass a background/fingerprint check due to prior Criminal History and are never hired! Same thing with the airplanes. Few of the "lawn dart" regional jets are owned by the airline! They are operated by: Air Wisconsin, Trans States, Pinnacle, Mesa, Mesaba, Freedom, Piedmont, Comair, ASA,etc. etc. etc. They are disposable planes and crews who are subject to losing their jobs and strarting over every time their holding companies contract is up for renewal. They are underpowered and usually are hard pressed to be able to carry all the checked baggage, if the flight is full. When that happens, the bags keep accumulating because the next full lawn dart has the same problem. If you're "lucky" enough to be on a normal size airplane, if it's a DC9, it's probably 30-35 years old! Some 737-200 are the same! If a passenger walked into an airport 35 years ago and saw a DC3 at the gate, they would not fly on it! As long as people are willing to go with a cheap seat and frequent flyer miles, so they can repeat the whole silly process in the future,, it's never going to get any better. I will not even mention the fact that the Air traffic control system is unable to handle the volumes that the airlines are trying to stuff into Laguardia, Newark, JFK, Atlanta, O'Hare, San Francsico, Boston & LAX! Coffee, tea or DRIVE!
  16. I agree! Having graduated in 1969, proportionally things are way different. Student loans should be capped at a point where the lender can reasonably expect the borrower to be able to repay. Starting out life, or a professional career with a $130,000 debt is obscene.
  17. Considering all the illegal: guns, drugs, cigarettes etc. that run up and down I-95, I'm not going to get excited about some guy drinking a beer. Have you ever spilled any?
  18. She asked to peek under his hair!
  19. We were 8-8 with Bum's Kid and nobody was happy!
  20. Yeah, they lost PERIOD!
  21. You've been in the North too long! Try 5-10 in the South...you pick the spot from Texas to S. California. How many Canadians do you know that rely on free US: food, medical, legal and educational assistance? And represent 30% of our federal prison population! Did I say FREE? That's free to them but you will end up paying for it.
  22. Is that KY as in the state, or, as in the jelly Factory?
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