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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Living in VA., I happened to listen to the John Riggins radio show last week and they were very unhappy that Greggo was going after London! The big knock was that he's (London) now 3 years older than Gregg remembers and at 32 there's not much upside left. For what it's worth nobody on the show was very impressed with Gregg or his actual "genius" performance. Sounded real familiar to me!
  2. It's all such a CRAP SHOOT!
  3. He seemed to be "outed" by his own Tenessee neighbors! The same state that he failed to carry in 2000. If the people in his own state don't believe him why would anyone else?
  4. I believe He ascended into heaven 40 days after Easter!
  5. Better Governor than First Lady!
  6. Australia is one of the few rational places left on earth! Here kitty kitty!
  7. I'm not a slave of fashion and by the looks of the other responses, I'm in good company!
  8. Great story with a Greater ending....The defender was recognized as defending his own life/property and was not charged.
  9. Those BootCamp pictures are ALWAYS so bad!
  10. Hopefully, if the BILLS sign Fletcher, it will be because there are no other MLB's available that could consistently out play him.
  11. The dog tried to talk the dumbas*'s out of going but thry only listen to the cat! They should have to pay for their own rescue plus 50% for endandering other people and being stupid.
  12. ZSA ZSA's husband just said he's the daddy!
  13. They're doing the work illegal aliens won't do!
  14. She was running out of body parts to show so it makes a lot of sense!
  15. No airline has been "government funded" since 1978. The "government funding" was in place to provide air service to small cities and to carry the mail. The "lazy union slob" is now retired along with all your neighbors from the steel mills, auto plants, etc. and guess who's paying their underfunded pensions???? You, the Taxpayer are! My point is, you get what you pay for! Airlines will never be mass transit because the FAA can't handle the traffic, nobody wants any more airports or runways in their neighborhood, and when you introduce severe weather it's all over but the shouthing! . All the good management in the world will not make up for lack of: gate space, ground equipment and experienced people to properly utilize it.
  16. Interesting that everybody looks to the Airlines when there's a problem such as this. Jet Blue is a "Low Cost Carrier!" They keep their costs low by paying their agents $10 an hour and then understaffing the $10 per hour people. These untrained "crew" members are supposed keep everything moving and keep everyone happy but when weather moves in they are simply overwhelmed. To keep costs low NO JetBlue aircraft have their own airstairs. This prevents them handling flights anywhere but at a gate. Gates cost money, and in bad weather are all occupied. They can't move off the gate, to be deiced and on their way because the FAA can't handle the volumes and glycol only has an average :15 holdover time between the time it's applied and the time the plane should be moving down the runway on its takeoff roll. The only way they could work at a remote parking location is by supplying stairs to the plane-another high cost item, so that's when gridlock sets in and people get trapped on planes for hours. Since everyone bitched so much about "airplane food" all the catering trucks that were capable of resupplying aircraft, even off the gates, are gone. Even if they were still around, this is another cost item. JetBlue is not catered by trucks so when they get stuck, and there are no stairs, there's no way to resupply. It's also an FAA rule that they can't refuel, without stairs or a jetway so as to provide a fire exit. This prevents them from getting some fuel so that they could move to another airport for more complete service. Lavatory service is one area where technology is unchanged. As long as they can find someone to drive the Lav Truck to the plane, they can be dumped and refilled with fresh flush water, assuming someone plugged in the tank heater to keep it from freezing, but JetBlue relies on their "business partners" to do that so the short-staffed, inexperienced "crew" members may not have been aware that remote Lav Service was even a possibility. When the weather's good, no Air Traffic delays, no mechanical problems etc. the airlines can operate but short of that you play your cards, take your chances, and maybe get your mug on the news to tell all the other frequent flyers what a "terrible" experience you just had. But you also "saved a bundle" on your ticket!
  17. Even though the accident was obviously not your fault, I'll bet you DON'T Save A Bundle on Your Car Insurance!
  18. I have an 02 Pathfinder. Bought it new in Seattle, moved and drove it to Virginia and since I've been here it's been to Florida once and to BUF twice. 68,000 miles and it will be paid for in 3 months. No major problems. My only complaint is that I can't break 18mpg, no matter what. I drive an 05 Tahoe at work. It's nice, much larger than the Pathfinder, but I'm glad I don't have to buy the gas for it. It's a lot of stop & go and sitting at idle, has a 350 engine and only averages 12-13 mpg. I hope to keep the Pathfinder another 5 years. It will be nice to be out from under the payments but I am occasionally tempted try something else. From what I've seen, the Honda Pilot's are nice. Good luck with whatever you decide on. There's nothing worse than putting a lot of money down for a vehicle and not being happy with it.
  19. The owner graduated from WHATSAMATTA-U!
  20. Marty has made millions by being fired by all the right people!
  21. You have to put your head where???
  22. Must have been the Broadway/Fillmore!
  23. Goodbye Lake effect Snow...Hello Ice Fishing!
  24. If he thinks it was frustrating playing here wait till he gets to Detroit!
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