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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. How do you feel about Kenyans?
  2. Check your Home Owners Insurance. Many insurers will either drop you or give you a significant rate hike if you have a Pit Bull or any other breed considered to be agressive. It's great you're considering a Rescue Dog but you need to try to limit your choice to a breed that's considered to be non- agressive.
  3. We could use a lot more FAIR DINKUM in our Politics!
  4. My wife & I just got back from BUF. It's been 3 years since the last visit and we drove all day, from VA, planning on having Dinner at Billy Ogden's. We knew the owner passed away but thought the family was still running it...WRONG, it's closed. We decided to try Hutch's. Thank God it was open and every bit as good as we remember. It's on Deleware, about 1/2 block off Gates Circle. It's not too noisy and the food is great! If you go to Niagara Falls, take her to Niagara on the Lake. Several places to eat there and it's a nice drive along the Niagara Gorge. Ilio DePaulo's is still open and it's not too far from the Stadium. Enjoy!
  5. FU*K THE POOR! Roman Senate scene History of the World.
  6. They were the "other" league. In 1960, not too many people thought the AFL would last, so nobody really cared too much. Our initial helmets, before the White with the Red Buffalo, were non-descript ugly and that original BILLS Logo is very High School looking. I do miss the AFL Red/White Ref's shirts though!
  7. He should have said "I wish I could tell you it was going to get better!"
  8. I thought the "waiting list" kind of dried up after they left RFK and started all the absurd pricing at FedEx. You have to wonder how many of the "fans" actually bought their own tickets.
  9. Can't imagine a more CREEPY interview!
  10. It's not uncommon. Gregg, Gilbride, Meathead and Donohoe all had that. I think Gregg still has it!
  11. RELENTLESS II says "61" and I think that's correct.
  12. Was the BING Booked already?
  13. That's the ticket! Put it back on ABC, bring Gifford, Don, OJ, Fred "the Hammer," Paul Mcguire, Alex Karas etc. back AND bag the song!
  14. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
  15. The site people are all in line at Washington Mutual and unavailable for comment!
  16. He had the Right to Remain Silent!
  17. Which has the stiffest sentance, dealing Coke or Gas Gouging?
  18. Is that like the Norris Division?
  19. Having grown up in Buffalo in the 40's thru the 70's there was always a good ethnic mix in the city. The difference is that; you didn't have to speak Polish at Broadway/Fillmore, Italian on the West Side, Gaelic in S. Buffalo, Lackawanna -take your pick- etc. etc. Anyone who immigrated to the USA - Buffalo included - could chose to speak English, or not. Many of the older people kept their "native" languages and we're still all OK. I've been gone a long time and don't know if WWOL is still around but it used to be almost all Polish and that was OK. The problem arises when you have a group of immigrants who insist on special treatment such as all the bi-lingual programs etc., all at tax payer expense. If anyone wants to live here they need to either learn the language or have their kids translate for them. The Government has no obligation to make sure everyone understands what's going on. No matter where in the world you live, you either learn enough of the language to survive or suffer the consequences.
  20. Amazing that they can call it a sellout with all the tarped seats. It's just as hot in Tampa & Miami and they somehow manage to fill their stadium.
  21. I lived in that sh*t-hole in 83 when ALICIA hit. It was a CAT 5 and I don't recall any evacuations, FEMA or other hysteria at that time. The OIL Companies do evacuate the platforms mostly because it is impossible to work in Hurricane conditions. I expect all the platform workers to be back at it by Monday. Most of the refineries are on the E side of Houston. Aside from some possible flooding there's really not a lot that can be damaged by wind and rain. No doubt the USA does need more refining capacity. Hopefully that will start to happen soon.
  22. Gotta pay off all those Student Loans from the seminary.
  23. Because of a little matter called RACIAL SEGREGATION. It was very popular in the 30's & 40's!
  24. Those Illegal's are such Pranksters!
  25. Especially if we play SEATTLE!
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