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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. You're a lucky man! We have a cat that keeps missing the litter box, in the garage, and our garage floor is never dry.
  3. I would expect that there may be several DEALERS that miss him.
  4. I totally agree but had to say it anyway.
  5. Considering Global Warming I'd look for a Jet Ski.
  6. Yeah WIDE RIGHT!
  7. Well 8-8 brings us full circle to where we were when Bum's Kid left.
  8. Don't complain here, go to Canada, they'll listen!
  9. There's a Grocery Chain in Richmond that lets you accumulate cents off at the pump, at certain gas stations. Last night, gas was $1.67. My wife & I had accumulated .50 off per gallon, up to 20 gallons, so we filled up for $1.17 per gallon. There was a station down the street that had gas for $1.63 but they are not in the Grocery program. They do this because there are other Grocery chains that have their own Gas Stations and they were losing business to them. So they signed this deal that attracts business back without having to building their own stations. It's pretty nice, if it lasts!
  10. Well Mckinley was assinated in September so it couldn't be that again!
  11. Irrespective of age there's a fair amount of stupidity on both sides of the Counter! If the freakin register didn't tell the Bozo how much change to give they'd be lost. I always shop at a large chain Grocery store, always sign the check and let the register fill the rest in. Pretty foolproof. Last trip I handed the signed check to the clerk and he didn't know the entry to have the register fill the check out. That's a training deficiency, not age related.
  12. I can't tell when this happened. They make it sound recent but then they talk about the co-pilot being hospitalized for 11 days? If they diverted to an Airport w/CATIII ILS, that plane could have landed itself, hands off.
  13. This Country's citizens were against the $750B Financial Bailout by a very wide margin. In order to "presuade" enough Congressional votes to pass that, there is at least $150B of "pork" in the Financial Bailout package. The smart and ethical thing to do would to be to revisit the "pork" that's already out there and reduce it enough to make an equivalent amount, in this case $25B, available to the Auto Manufacturers. Before we just handed it over we should expect and demand a complete itemization and justification for the $25B. Oversight to ensure that the money is going where Management said it was needed, and a strict repayment schedule with significant penalties for non-performance. We need this industry and the jobs that go along with it. If the Auto Companies go bankrupt only the employees, taxpayers and the consumers will lose. The Companies and the CEO's won't miss a beat. The employees will lose valuable jobs, the taxpayers will lose tax rev. from idle/abandond plants, and have to pay massive unemployment benefits AND assume the unfunded/underfunded pensions and the consumers will have reduced choices and value in what remains in the marketplace going forward.
  14. Maybe he should have sat in a better section!
  15. That's a great article. Hopefully it will draw some positive attention to Buffalo. I don't normally look ay NYT, for a lot of reasons, so I wouldn't have seen this if it hadn't been posted here. That's a sign of the TIMES. I look to Two BILLS Dr. for my news rather tha the NYT!
  16. Obviously you have not watched: Bethlehem Steel, Republic Steel, many of the Airlines etc. Bankruptcy only protects the Companies and the CEO's. The companies survive and the employees and retirees start to receive your tax dollars via the Pension Benefit Guarantee Board. All the businesses that are owed money lose out and they recover, assuming they survive, by raising proces to future customers like us. Bankruptcy is a stacked deck against tax payers. God forbid we have another war. Who's going to build our trucks and tanks, Hyundai & KIA?
  17. Looks like We're all beating a DEAD DICK!
  18. They wouldn't let me take anything that I considered to be "important."
  19. They wouldn't let me take any of the "important things."
  20. It seemed like there were too many cast changes. Of course when that happened, they took away the people that I enjoyed the most. I miss the Lancombe Lady!
  21. Joe Ferguson was our QB when that was new. I don't think he's available either!
  22. I think it will be impossible to overcome the Division L's. Tie breakers, if it comes to that, will go against us.
  23. He better do it before January 20th!
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