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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. A320's are controlled with a joystick, the wheels are under the plane.
  2. Now HE needs a bailout!
  3. We're crazy to be here period considering our 7-9 Hat Trick!
  4. Very true! Given enough money and a guaranteed competetive team (winning) I'd be happy at the Rockpile. The Rockpile was built in the 30's as a Roosevelt WPA project. I believe that's where the AUD and the Airport Terminal building came from too. Now if we could just convince Barry to send a few Billion to WNY maybe we would end up with a new stadium.
  5. The NEWS would never hire anyone who said that Barry bowled over the voters without knocking down a single pin.
  6. I don't think we're questioning "qualified." But all of us have roots in Buffalo and most of us have had to leave for economic reasons that were/are very real. Having left Buffalo, over time, many have had opportunities to return, and after weighing all facts, decided it would not be in our best interests to do so. Unfortunately, both for WNY, and for the people who would have returned, the tax issues will not diminish and without any long term economic incentive. the area will likely not improve. It was a good article. Most people on this board will try to fit their own personal story/situations into the presentation and research that have been presented. Hopefully, Buffalo can indeed "come back."
  7. Since the British can't build cars or cook why should we believe they can do Medical Research? Boiled Stem Cells anyone?
  8. We could all feel the love at LOVE CANAL!
  9. That was some kind of inter planitary groan when the got the news about Dick's contract.
  10. I forgot to mention, regarding FAA Medicals, they (FAA) check them against your DMV record. Your Medical form has a place where you sign off on the verification. That goes to Oklahoma City, and that's where they are checked. If you have any DUI's you'll likely be disqualified. They also want to know what kinds of Med's you may be taking. Even something as innocent as cold or allergy treatments may not be acceptable. They don't take any blood but they do want a urine sample and they check the temp! You don't need a Medical for an "introductory lesson" but you will need it once you actually begin training. Cleared for Takeoff!
  11. Now that you know what you have, watch your diet and take care of yourself! I have a friend who didn't and he ended up having a Stroke. All things considered, I would rather have died than live the way he has to-post stroke.
  12. I have an Airline Transport License, been flying since 1967. Got my license at BUF, soloed at Batavia, did a lot of practice at Niagara Falls-nothing like a 9,000 foot runway, with no other traffic for practice! Right now 100LL Avgas is $3.65-3.90 per gallon in Richmond VA. I would expect it to be higher in NYS due to the TAXES! That's down $1 from last summer. A Cessna 172/Piper Cherokee will burn between 6-8 gallons per hour. Then you have to add in the Instructor and the Plane Rental. Private Pilot's used to need a min. of 40 hours for a check ride. Since I got mine in 1968, that may have changed. Almost nobody makes it in 40 hours! You get your 3rd class Medical, find a reputable place, practice, practice, practice, pass your FAA written exam, and FAA examiner's oral exam and a final check ride, by an FAA examiner before you get the license in your hand. The big issue, after you get a license is keeping it current. If you don't use it much you get "rusty" and that's not safe! If you fly for pleasure you'll enjoy it. If you fly as a profession it can be a real grind. Low pay, bad hours, never enough rest, air traffic delays because the FAA can't handle the volumes etc.... Good luck!
  13. Not with Dick's dick!
  14. At least Al has sense enough to talk to people, to try to improve the team. I NEVER thought I would say that Al has sense!
  15. I agree. After the Super Bowl nobody cares very much aboit the "Pro" Bowl. It's no more than a popularity contest and a place for the players to party, if they even bother to go. Look at our player this year, was he Pro Bowl material last season? When it started in the 70's they used to give the tickets away free on street corners in Honolulu, just to put some people in the stands. I can't believe its still around.
  16. I've been a fan since the first day of the AFL. Am I happy with the Dick situation?...NO Could we do worse?...Absolutely and we've done worse in the past. Kay, John Roush, Meathead the Kay clone and Hank come to mind for most of the same reasons. The outlook?...Not good, but unfortunately that's been the norm for most of the life of the franchise. Ralph is what Ralph is, an absentee owner, from day one, who spends most of his time flying between Detroit and Florida and could care less about Buffalo. Financially the franchise has been wildly successful for him and his family. He wants a winner but can't make the financial committment and that's getting worse as he gets older. He's more concerned about the value of the asset that he will leave his family. Having lived in: Washington DC, Chicago, Houston, and Seattle over 30+ years, but having been born and raised in Buffalo, I could never be a fan of any other team. BUT if the BILLS move I will do as i did when the BRAVES left and give up being interested in the rest of the league, for good!
  17. At least Bill was BORN IN THE USA!
  18. If it happened during a BILLS homegame, and the point of impact was on the BILLS sideline, Dick would probably miss it.
  19. Yeah! Definately a Howdy Doody Mouth!
  20. Maybe we should demand a recount!
  21. Well at least he didn't put his tongue on the frozen flagpole.
  22. MLB can make themselves into a Bank and get a piece of the Stimulus Package.
  23. She was a fine entertainer. She lost a lot of work because she dared say that she was against the Viet Nam war. Her trouble started when she expressed her views at the White House, in the middle of one of Laby Bird Johnson's ladies get togethers. I think today she would have been considered more of a hero today but that was the mid 60's, different times to be sure.
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