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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Any Chili Cook-off's in the area?
  2. Better fire the Greater if he/she allowed a snake to "sneak" in.
  3. It totally depends on their training, experience and Company Ops Procedures. The NTSB files are full of dead "competent pilots."
  4. That's true. The posts where the wipers are mounted are always prone to early icing and since the Pilot's can't see the wings, without going back into the cabin and looking out a window, the wiper post is a very useful visual indicator of ice accumulation. Even if Anti-ice was on, and I have to believe that it was, it won't provide unlimited protection. That's why you never fly into "known" icing conditions for any length of time. American lost an ATR (high wing Turbo Prop.) in Indiana, that was put into a holding pattern in icing conditions. After that accident American shifted all the ATR's down South to limit their potential exposure to serious icing conditions. Despite that crash, no rules were ever adopted to keep aircraft out of icing conditions. FedEx just lost an ATR last week in Lubbock Texas, that could have been caused by ice. The FAA and more recently the NTSB are becomming so politicized that even when the final cause is known, the chances of preventive rules being enacted are going to be very slim.
  5. Since they want to take the Skyway down anyway that would have been a perfect two'fer.
  6. It was called the 7th Century!
  7. How can anyone take him seriously? Every time I hear him speak it's like listening to ELMER FUDD!
  8. They have a leader named Zippy and we have the real thing!
  9. In this day "News" shows are the new Cartoons.
  10. You're right but I didn't understand why they offered Runway 1 at Teterboro when the plane was flying to the South?
  11. Ripple, Boone's and the ever popular NIGHT TRAIN! I can't believe nobody mentioned GENESEE!
  12. What's a 14 year old doing in Elementary School? Is that the child that got left behind?
  13. That would cause one hell of a party!
  14. It'a not the Ballet, but not bad either!
  15. They're on track to pay an equivalent amount in taxes. 48%, up from 45%. They've paid $11.3B for the quarter and $31.2B thru 3 quarters. If we could only encourage other companies to do as well we wouldn't be in the BAIL OUT mode.
  16. I only make mental investments then the only thing I lose is my mind!
  17. It's repairable. In 2002 Boeing ditched a Boeing Stratocruiser in Elliott Bay (Seattle). It ran out of gas! It sat in the salt water for a couple of days but was recovered onto a barge and taken to a hangar. They flushed it out with fresh water for about a week, gutted the interior, and replaced everything. That plane was built in 1938 and is now on display at the Smithsonian Annex at Dulles Airport. They even let the bozo who ran it out of gas in the first place, fly it from Seattle to Dulles. If it does get repaired, it will be subject to FAA inspection. If the FAA signs off on it, it will either go back into service with US Airways or be sold.
  18. They're ON THE WAR PATH!
  19. So improvise! There's still a hole in the floor.
  20. It's been said that I bear a striking resemblence to BERNIE MADOFF!
  21. So that Eddy Murphy SNL skit about Buckwheat getting shot was based was based on fact! I didn't know that.
  22. There must be a BOWLING TOURNAMENT somewhere, to watch.
  23. Maybe there's still hope for us.
  24. Would he still let us play in Toronto?
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