Geez I'm from S. Buffalo/West Senica and went to High School in L.A. (Lackawanna) so I don't know where to start!
How about Allentown Barbie. Actually now she lives in Amherst because there are just too many Kens in Alentown.
Ballet Barbie- you have to have a Passport to meet her. Ken goes by Gordie at the Ballet.
Flat Barbie. No she's not really F-l-a-t but she lives in one in S Buffalo.
Lake Effect Barbie- Some say she's fridgid.
Considering the state of the Michigan Economy, there may not be any Voters left in 2010.
Have they started making Wind Turbines & Solar Panels at the old Pontiac factory yet?
I was thinking about the Airbus airframes when the Air France tail "popped up."
Nov. 2001 American lost an Airbus that was departing JFK. That Airbus crossed the wake of another departing "heavy jet" and the tail came off because they said the co-pilot (pilot flying) was too agressive with the rudder pedals.
The USAir A320 that landed in the Hudson stayed together but that happened just above stall speed so not a real comparison.
I know that now we'll see all the posts about "French tail" but absent a more complete investigation, it makes one wonder.
If they locate a significant size debris field, and the tail section is reasonably in tact, they should be able to get the boxes out. Even if the batteries quit, if they can locate the tail the chances improve of recovering the data recorders.
It's likely an Ego thing. He was so experienced, and, in his mind had seen much worse before, that he thought he could pick his way through the line. Neither of the two co-pilots would dare question him!
The other situation could have been fuel. If you're hundreds of miles from land and are facing a Equatorial storm line that's so broad that you can't easily divert around it, and you only have so much fuel, you take a good look at the weather radar and try to sneak thru between the cells.
In this day, nobody is carrying any extra fuel, so your options get more limited. He could likely have flown around the weather and had to stop in Tenerife for fuel but that would have delayed his Paris arrival by +/-2 hours. He took a chance and it seems that it was a bad decision.
That wouldn't work for me. I'm Irish.
I'd just be drunk all the time from visiting too many Irish Bars and you can only eat just so much Corned Beef & Cabbage.
People would call me a racist but I wouldn't care because I would be drunk.
As with most procedures, Sterile Cockpit was adapted due to previous crash(s). United lost a 737 on approach to Midway in the mid 70's and Eastern lost an L-1011 on approach to Miami because nobody was paying enough attention to flying the plane. United stalled and crashed into a 2+ story wood frame house and Eastern pancaked into the Everglades. Both were experienced crews but preoccupied with mechanical issues that diverted their attention from what/where the plane was in relation to the ground.
In the Buffalo crash the inexperience of the crew, with respect to operation in icing conditions, was such that had they been observing Sterile Cockpit procedures they may have had enough time to recognize the situation for what it was and recover. They likely wouldn't have had to lower the nose a whole lot to recover, but pulling the nose up made the situatiuon many times worse, and likely unrecoverable.
As for Colgan Air, they've been around for 30-35 years but sold their name/airline to Pinnacle Airlines shortly before the crash. Pinnacle still operates Regional Jets for other airlines including Delta.
Considering: The Economy, Unemployment, the Debt, N Korea, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, Piracy, Mexico, Swine Flu, etc. etc., the fact that this is even an issue before Congress is shameful.
We went thru this in the late 70's. As I recall it started at Ft.Dix NJ.
I got the shot, didn't get sick, but a lot of people got sick and died and it was blamed on the vaccine.