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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. A stray Siamese found us a few years ago. He was the all time great Cat but it turned out he tested positive for Feline Leukemia too. We gave him the best life we could but lost him to the disease, too soon. It's never easy! Sorry for your loss!
  2. Can't believe nobody said THEY MAKE ME WANT TO SHOUT! Count on a whole lot of SHOUTING.
  3. We moved from Seattle to Williamsburg VA w/5 Cats & one Golden Retriever. We drove with the 5 cats in my SUV. When you're traveling w/5 cats, you need to look for a 40 year old former Holiday Inn, where you can back the car up to the door, under cover of darkness, and move the 5 kennels into the room. Made that drive in 3.5 days, put the cats on ice in Williamsburg, flew back to Seattle, picked up the dog and my wife's car, and drove back to Virginia again, in 3.5 days. I would never consider "shipping" an animal unless it was: Cool temps., a non-stop flight-which is almost impossible now, and if I were a passenger on the same flight. Most airlines don't even accept animals any more because of all the Connection & Delay issues. Good Luck-you can do it!
  4. Having worked for United Airlines for 35 years, I lost many Friends & Co-workers on the 2 UA Planes. I am NOT a conspiracy person but to this day there are way too many unanswered questions about what happened that day.
  5. For a minute I thought you were going to spend some quaity time with Bernie Madoff.
  6. Reminds me of when we had our Cat fixed!
  7. Oh, to have the Banana concession outside 1 Bills Drive.
  8. I would feel better about the situation IF the BILLS were the FIRST team to Fire the OC! I believe Dick saw what was happening at Kansas City & Tampa and thought WTF, if they can get away with it, why not us? Of course, Ralph immediately saw $$$, that he didn't have to pay, and immediately was in agreement.
  9. Go for it on 4th & Inches too! WTF have we got to lose?
  10. Playoffs? Oh Yeah, I remember the Playoffs.
  11. That's so true! There was a time I thought I was from HAPLESS, NY, because all the sports people kept calling them THE HAPLESS BILLS. On the other hand, having been around for all 50 seasons, and based on that history, I wouldn't expect any wild moves one way or the other, no matter what the final W-L's. That's just not Ralph's way of operating.
  12. Born & raised in Buffalo. Haven't lived there since 1970. Have lived in: Washington DC, Chicago, Houston & Seattle. Never could understand how people could re-locate and give up on the Home Team. If the Bills ever leave, I will adapt the same stance as I did when the Braves left. What NBA???
  13. Maybe you have CRS??? Can't Remember Sh*t!
  14. We missed you but you didn't miss anything!
  15. Try the Griffin. Great view of the Coast from the top. Apollo's Chariot is good too but they all have weather sensors and won't operate if there's a chance of a storm. Colonial Williamsburg is giving VA residents $10 off the annual pass, if you decide to do that. If you're interested and think you'll be back within the next year, it may be worth considering.
  16. Probably wouldn't need Propofol to sleep thru that!
  17. Shoulda took the Volkswagen! Freakin Oldsmobiles don't float too well.
  18. That's true about not paying for admission. You may not even have to pay to park, if you park on one of the surrounding streets. VA Rt.60(Richmond Rd) is a good bet for free parking. Walk past the William & Mary Campus, cross the street (carefully) the point where the W&M Campus meets Colonial Williamsburg is in the shape of a "V"-called "confusion corner" because of the potential accidents there, walk one block thru Merchant's Square (shopping), and you're there. Kids being Kids, walk the around the town and see if they're interested before you put your money down. You can walk up/down all the streets. The Building Attractions have Union Jack flags in front of them and you can't go in without an admission badge, but that's it. If, after checking the place out, you decide to purchase passes, you can do so at a little building called the Lumber House, on the Duke of Gloucester St. (the main street). No need to move your car, if you left it on the street. You may want to consider driving the Colonial Parkway. It's a very nice drive, kind of like the Canadian side of the Niagara River. It runs from Jamestown (admission) to Yorktown. Yorktown like Williamsburg is free to walk around, I think the Battlefield is free and the little town of Yorktown on the York River is free but full of over priced tourist items. There's a huge Outlet Mall on Rt 60 (Richmond Rd). VA Rt. 5 has several Plantations between I-295 & Williamsburg. If you go to Busch Gardens stay away on the weekends. Too crowded, long lines, especially for the Roller Coasters. Enjoy, there's a lot to see and do.
  19. Lackawanna.....Nothing happened!
  20. Ralph would NEVER pay off Dick AND pay the kind of money Cowher would demand! Ralph was recently asked about this and said: "Over my dead body!"
  21. I was too busy with Viet Nam to worry about Woodstock!
  22. I don't see it happening! Ralph will never eat the remainder of the Contract!
  23. I had to stop when I saw the Baby.
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