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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. No matter what the "reason(s)" they broke all kinds of protocols. 1) FLY the Airplane. These planes are so automated that you sometimes need to be a better typist than pilot, but somebody needs to be ahead of the plane. 2) You never get handed off from one Controller to another without a "contact ..... on ...... That gets repeated and if you can't raise the next Controller, you go back to the last one and confirm the radio frequency. 3) If you really do lose voice communication you still proceed to you destination via your flight planned route. Obviously that didn't exactly happen either. They flew far enough that a lot of the Cockpit Voice recorder conversation will have been lost. They run on a 30 minute loop of tape and normally the "last" :30 is sufficient but in this case the radio and cockpit communication beyond the :30 loop will be gone. These people were "experienced" and blew a 0.00 Breathalizer at MSP so you make the call!
  2. When you're raised in WV all those "abused in a Trailer" stories sorta run together!
  3. Been there, done that-Bledsoe
  4. KEEL MOOSE & SQUIRREL! They play in the "Diamond," a contemporary version of the Rock Pile. The Diamond has "drainage issues" too. The outfield can become swamp-like after a heavy rain.
  5. The day is fast approaching where the BILLS will need someone, ANYONE, to step forward and buy the team. Either from Ralph, while he still has a pulse, or from Ralph's Estate. At the end of the day, we Fans, will have absolutely no say in the outcome, so who cares who the person or persons will be? We would hope that: 1) the team will not move and, 2) that money will be spent on all of the above BUT we are powerless to see that either will happen. Speaking from the experience of being a FAN from the beginning, it's frustrating, to say the least, but such is the lot of a BILLS Fan.
  6. Did Marv Give Up when the GERMAN'S ATTACKED PEARL HARBOR???
  7. The family should have to re-pay all the "rescue" costs. The old man needs a mental evaluation, and the kid should not be able to sit down till high school.
  8. They're moving to LACKAWANNA?
  9. Having lived in Seattle for most of the time he was there, I am unimpressed. First of all he went to Seattle because they offered him the Head Coach AND GM spots. While that may appaeal to some, it was totally unsuccessful. Holmgren couldn't do both, and it showed. Second, He demanded and was paid VERY WELL, when has that ever happened in BUF? he was there when Paul Allen essentially gave him an open check book. Third, he likes to ride his Harley. Even if we accept "Global Warming," Given the WNY weather AND Road Conditions, that's not going to happen very often. It sure didn't in Green Bay! He's a Control Freak on the order of Donohoe and does not have the success to back it up. All things considered, Wade was a better Coach than Holmgren will ever be.
  10. We're no safer now than we were on 9/10/01. It's just costing us a LOT more!
  11. They are really special. When we lived in Seattle they would come in for SEA-Fair, in early August. They would have to close the 2 "floating bridges" for practices, because they would fly so low over Lake Washington that drivers could lose control of their cars. That really screwed up E-W traffic but all things considered, I always thought it was worth the inconvenience just to see them every year.
  12. Obviously not a Buffalo car! All the 63's were pretty much rusted thru by 66-67. No matter, in the 60's you could replace a car like that every 3-4 years. I'll bet it didn't cost $2800 new, and the gas would have been under $0.30 a gallon. I would never call a 63 Galaxy with a 289 a "muscle car." It would need a 390 or better for that label. If I had the money, which is not even a question, I don't think I would give it a second look.
  13. Good thing she took off her Cheese Head before the Mug Shot!
  14. Maybe if he woulda caught a few, things would be different! He has nothing to say about the misses! Maybe they were not perfect strikes but he IS T.O. As for "blowing up," why? He's got his $6 Mil less whatever the IRS and Gov. Patterson get, so no matter, he's OK.
  15. They have Sunday Ticket there???
  17. Yes, and at the same time Ralph re-signed Dick, Or, so the story goes!
  18. Followed by a trip to the AUD!
  19. I've had good luck with Ace Hardware. They have the "odd ball" configurations that you can't find in Lowes or Home Depot. If you have an Ace nearby, give them a try. They may even have a web site. The shipping could be expensive but if it saves you a bunch of running around, your saved time & gas may justify the shipping.
  20. When we lived in Washington State, in the 80's-90's, the fee's got within spitting distance of $1000 annual, per vehicle. No Vehicle Safety Inspection but they did rip everyone off with an Emissions Test. Had to have the "pass slip" before you could renew your plates. The Auto fees were carrying a whole lot of non driving related programs, including the State Ferry System. The Voter's finally got a Proposition passed to cut the fee's in half. There was a whole lot of crying and carrying on, on the State side, but somehow they survived. I can't remember but they may have raised the Sales Tax to cover the short fall. The Virginia Personal proprty Tax was cut in half, about 10 years ago, with the promise that they would phase out the "other half." But that was promised by a different Governor and nobody seems to be talking about getting rid of the second half now.
  21. I was thinking the same thing! He's either BI or just had a sex change and didn't have enough $$$ left over to have the cowboy removed. Just for laughs, you have to wonder which way the cowboy's face was pointed!
  22. Chesterfield County got: $474.21 for an 09 Murano, and $102.53 for an 02 Pathfinder. Both of those include the $20 Registration Fee. License Plates are an additional fee, as if they were an Option! Then there's the annual Vehicle Safety Inspection. You would think after all that plus; the Property Taxes, Sales Taxes and the Lottery, that VA would be rolling in dough but King Kane is always crying the Blues about how much the State is in the hole. Lucky for us "The Recession is over!"
  23. Glad you had a safe trip. Hope your Wife has good luck traveling with the Pups! No matter what, it will give you both a lot to talk about, and hopefully laugh about, for a long time to come.
  24. Another remarkable quirk is that we play Tampa and Kansas City. They both also fired their OC's before the season.
  25. My #10 would be O-for the 70's against Miami! Maybe it's not true about being able to build up immunity to poison adminsitered in small doses.
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