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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I was raised in S. Buffalo in the 50's-60's. I would say it was a great place too BUT the neighborhood has changed, and not for the better.
  2. I bought a CANON A-610 a couple of years ago and it's Great! It's been problem free, takes great pictures, and gets used quite a lot. It fits in the palm of your hand, lens adjusts in/out and is more than adequate for most pictures. No doubt, considering the time since I bought mine, it's been improved and maybe the Model Number has been bumped up a couple of numbers but I would I suggest you take a look at the CANON products. You can find them on-line. I bought mine from Abe's of Maine. Can't remember if I paid shipping but it was tax free. Check the camera discounters against QVC before you make a decision-Good luck!
  3. Yeah you raise'em there and then they have to move out of the area for jobs.
  4. You want a Flight Plan? Turn your head and cough!
  5. As I recall, the BILLS were also due for a "successful season." Being both an NU Grad AND a BILLS fan since the first game, I guess I am a good candidate for therapy. Anybody know where Dr. Melfi is?
  6. I'm getting sick just thinking about it. Where's my free health care?
  7. Nothing said about restitution for all the "rescue" resources that were wasted because of the Bozo.
  8. A Golden Retriever. He's my 6th, over almost 40 years. The first two I raised from pups, 3,4 and 5 were "senior" Rescue Dogs, and #6 was found at the SPCA via their web site. When the last "senior" died, we wanted to rescue a younger dog, who would hopefully live longer. The Rescue group wouldn't consider us for a younger dog because we don't have a fenced yard. We're not the type to let the dog out to run by himself but that didn't matter with them. So I started to look online and found a 12-15 month pure bred pup at the SPCA. He was very wild and high energy but we'll have had him a year, next month, and he's the BEST! He's very smart and gets better by the day. Great disposition, loves kids and everyone else. If you don't mind the dog hair, they are great dogs!
  9. When the Brits get around to looking for Perfect Asses they could start on 1 BILLS Drive!
  10. As you said, the builder did it on the cheap. If you live in an especially humid location, the springs will give out sooner. Since that may have happened, there's also a sensor up there that may give out due to humidity. Is your Garage Door the insulated type? That helps moderate the temps in the Garage, and depending where it's located, relative to your living area, could help your energy bills for the house. The $170 was probably money well spent. Springs can be dangerous and are generally not a good do it yourself project.
  11. We HAVE to entertain ourselves, especially this time of year.
  12. A Proud past to be sure. Too bad we don't have the National leadership to let them win!
  13. Where's RJ? Or did he get hurt already?
  14. I thought that was the whole idea of PRISON! Cruel AND Unusual! If you do the Crime.........
  15. Just when I was enjoying a Sunday without a BILLS loss, this news spoiled the day!
  16. And when he leaves they go back into the shadows something like Chuck Knox. We have 50 years of mistakes to learn from, lets try to not repeat the same ones again.
  17. Yes he can! He's #3 for a reason. Not to say #1 & #2 don't suck but #3 is hardly a solution.
  18. That's very true BUT when the "entertainment product" ceases to "entertain" something has to change before all demand for the product disappears.
  19. Yeah, but you have to buy 2 or 3 wrapped together in cellophane.
  20. I prefer Costco but if you have the choice, do either of them sell Gas? If you have a location that sells Gas that could be the tie breaker.
  21. So, how many empty Molson's bottles were in the back of your car?
  23. Any "low cost" carrier, Jet Blue, AirTran, Southwest etc., does not have ticketing agreements with any other airlines. If you have a long delay or a cancellation, you have to stay with the Airline that has your money. Sometimes that can delay you by days due to availability of seats. You have the equivalent of a cash register receipt, not an airline ticket. American, Delta, United, and most of the International Carriers, have ticketing agreements whereby if they are delayed they can move you to another carrier, to get you to your destination. They're all electronic but they all have real ticket numbers, just like the old paper tickets, that are mostly transferable amoung the airlines that have ticketing agreements. Everybody has "change fees." If you want to make a change, you pay. The airlines can waive them due to bad weather etc. but that's about it. Oil is about $80 a barrel now, and there are a lot less flights flying because many planes have been parked in the various Arizona/California deserts, so you generally won't find the options that we used to see. If oil keeps going up there may be even fewer flights, as more planes are removed from service.
  24. Keep an eye on the weather. Right now the forecast is calling for a hi of 52 and a low of 42 with a few rain showers. That's not really bad enough to be a game changer but WNY being what/where it is pray for a little early Lake Effect weather and we might have a better shot against a "warm waether team."
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