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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Just another PO Tiger story! What a phony!
  2. Same with me! I thought oh WTF another April Fool's joke.
  3. Same with us. Hosting Easter Dinner. HAVE ONE??? FOR ME!
  4. Having been there, maybe that wouldn't be so bad?
  5. Good luck with the car! Exactly how fast was it going when it overheated? Sorry-had to get the Toyota joke in. HAPPY EASTER!
  6. We're getting a New Stadium, all financed with Stimulus Money, to be built on the site of the former Rockpile...Film at 11:00!
  7. Should have made your Model sit thru hi-lights of the BILLS from the last 10 years. That would bring out the real Zombie in most people!
  8. This issue will make no difference to the California economy! No matter how you feel about the basic Legal Pot or/not issue, unless they get; public pensions, free legal/education/medical for illegals, reduce business tax rates etc. FIXED first, thers's no hope for California. Of course they'll all be too high to give a sh*t, so who cares? They could make Nancy Pelosi "Queen" but no, wait, they already have too many of those and they're still in trouble!
  9. If you've got a CARMAX near you, that's a good place to start. You can even do most of yur looking online.
  10. When you consider Barnie Frank, Al Franken, Nancy Pelosi, et all, he'd fit in very well.
  11. I'd call the last 10 seasons a MCCLUSTER!
  12. That's like saying the Murder Rate is down AFTER everyone's been killed!
  13. For the same reason; WHY NOT BILLY JOE HOBERT!
  14. I think Davy was much bigger than Daniel. Davy was big about the same time Disneyland opened-mid 50's. In fact, I think the whole theme of FrontierLand was built around Davy. Davy's partner was Georgie Russel, who was played by Buddy Ebsen who later became Jed Clampett on the Beverly Hillbillies. Sh*t, am I old or what?
  15. Yeah, the ELEPHANT HOUSE!
  16. Guess Not!
  17. I'm old enough to know that's true!
  18. It's really an all day/night event. Getting to your appointment could be a challange. I would recommend the Subway, if possible. After the meeting there will still be a lot going on.
  19. Both of those neighborhoods have CHANGED, and not for the better!
  20. If you review the ILS 23 plate for BUF the Altitude at the Outer Marker is indicating 2300' MSL - feet above sea level. The marker is about 5 miles from Rwy 23. I'm not sure but I think the crash site is inside where the Outer Marker is located. The terrain elevation out there is about 750' above sea level so if they were on the Glide Slope, they should have been about 1550' above the ground, 5 miles from the Airport. They should have been stabalized on both the Glide Slope and the localizer at the outer marker, in which case you just fly the plane on course and on altitude down to visual identification of the runway environment-usually starting with the approach lights. If you're not stabalized, you execute a missed approach and try again.
  21. I hope it pays A LOT because it costs to live there. People live as far South as Richmond and as far North as Gettysburg PA. just to find something affordable. That's why the Commuter traffic is so bad.
  22. How about building the freakin Bridge before we spend another 10 years "studying" a Tunnel?
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