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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Does it do anything to prevent Earthquakes?
  2. Does the road out of Buffalo lead down Chippewa Street?
  3. It's better than watching Baseball & Bowling.
  4. It could be PAINFUL if WANG gets CUT!
  5. Anybody order a WANG Jersey yet?
  6. I don't think that will be an issue much longer.
  7. Absolutely right! He may have a future in Golf!
  8. I live in Virginia, and we have a tax called Personal Property Tax which taxes you, every year, on the value of your vehicle. I could just imagine the peole in the County Tax office high fiving if anyone living in Virginia bought that car!
  9. Possibly similar to some of our past Drafts?
  10. Must have been for "extra credit."
  11. So much for straight lines!
  12. I thought He was born in Hawaii?
  13. It's 11 O'Clock...Do you know who your daddy is? Oprah apparently doesn't
  14. Is it like a Mexican DINGUS DAY?
  15. Don't move without a JOB! Better you travel to a few interviews than commit to a move. What happens if you get to California and don't like it? You gonna move back?
  16. If I were you I'd stay where you are! Spare yourself the never ending Mock Drafts and the even better Mock Economy!
  17. That's never easy! Sorry to hear of your loss. The thing that always helped me was to start looking for another pet. You'll know when it's time. A good place to start is a place like petshelter.org. You can edit in your zip code and the breed of pet you're looking for, and you may be suprised what you find. Good luck!
  18. He took notes from Tiger's wife on; HOW TO BEAT TIGER!
  19. They were flying on an old Russian Tu-154. The Airport is an old Military Airfield with no; Instrument Approach, no Approach Lights, No all weather runway markings, and no weather reporting capability, it was likely a "GCA (Ground Controlled Approach) non-precision approach in Fog. GCA told them to go around because they were too low. It takes a whole lot of power and time to transition a Tu-154 from approach to go-around configuration and maybe they waited too long to try that. I understand that the crash happened on their 4th approach to land. It's a tragic loss for the Poles but could have likely been avoided.
  20. I'll stay with Voodoo CONFUSIN POWDER!
  21. Diplomatic Immunity shouldn't cover being STUPID! By the way, if you ever visit DC, and see any vehicles with Diplomat Plates, pull over and let the dumb ass*s have the road. You don't ever want to have an accident with anyone with Diplomatic Immunity.
  22. That may have worked with Irsay Sr.
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