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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I don't agree with everything she says, and yes she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, BUT there is so much frustration among people, who are being taxed into oblivion, just to support more; Bail Outs, "Stimulus" and various other Entitlements, that she seems to come across with more sincerity than almost any other Politico, and that's where her popularity comes from. I personally witnessed ALL the 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates and I will say that, OFF CAMERA, she is the most sincere and caring of the bunch. She can look you in the eye and there's no evidence of the insincere sneer that was so prevalent among all the other Candidates. Finally, The B*tch has papers! No question of eligibility, where, when she was born, went to school, Tax records, School Records, etc. etc.
  2. And I thought he was "acting" in all those movies.
  3. I think they mostly hang out in Utah.
  4. I'm 62, will turn 63 a couple days after the upcoming BEARS loss. Just got back from an out of State wedding. As I was wheeling my BILLS cooler accross the Hotel parking lot to the car, I ran into a couple of guys outside the Hotel, having a smoke. They saw the cooler and told me I would have "a rough day." I told them that being a BILLS fan has caused me to have a ROUGH LIFE! I had no idea at 11AM pre-game, how right we would both be.
  5. Of course you're right on about the NYS Taxes but I have lived in both Houston & Seattle. While there are no "Income Taxes" there, they have plenty of innovative ways that are just as effective in seperating you from your Income.
  6. I don't think very many would want to go.
  7. Maybe he should change his stage name to EL CABONG!
  8. Gives new meaning to WELCOME TO WALMART!
  9. You left out one of my personal favorites; Billy Joe Hobert!
  10. Chin-Chan...Chan-Chin???
  11. i blame the Uniforms!
  12. I lost Friends & Co-workers on 2 of those planes. It is a Horrible loss to all of the families as well as the innocent victims. Now it's 9 years later and we're no safer now than we were in 2001.
  13. "Showers" are not good enough! I hope it RAINS followed by a little Lake Effect whatever.
  14. Hutch's on Delaware near gates Circle is very nice.
  15. That's what I was taught too! Whenever I mention that, people don't believe it.
  16. I hope he's expectiong to lose, and I further hope we don't disappoint him!
  17. Having lived in Houston for 4 years, the only way to be happy there is to be blind.
  18. Those were 10 tough years! Many of the losses were close scores. I always thought that having Don Shula on the NFL Rules Committee, during that time, made most of the close/questionable calls go Don's way.
  19. It's really not that bad. I found out because I was Anemic. The Doctor thought I had an ulcer but it was Celiac instead. That was 8.5 years ago. All things considered, I'm far better off knowing I have it than not. There's no cure, no drugs, just entirely diet management. I never really cared for beer, but wine is OK. No Rye whiskey either. As I get older, I can't remember all the things that I am missing so it's working out.
  20. You bet! In 1977 the entire S. Buffalo/Lackawanna Lake Shore was in business. Gas was like .59 a gallon and nobody was driving anything that got more than 14-15 mpg.
  21. Who had the get out of Jail Free Card?
  22. They're fine drivers, just trying to dodge all the potholes.
  23. I used to like to go there. Got a Celiac diagnosis a few years back so no more Pasta, Italian Bread etc. I had to laugh that the "City" was concerned with traffic issues at Seneca/Chicago Streets. If it wasn't for Chef's there would be NO traffic down there! It's certainly not Gates Circle!
  24. You"re right, We don't care, but I was wondering if she got the same cell OJ had when he was in the Las Vegas slam?
  25. As Jimmy Griffin would say..."We're Talkin Proud!"
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