I don't agree with everything she says, and yes she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, BUT there is so much frustration among people, who are being taxed into oblivion, just to support more; Bail Outs, "Stimulus" and various other Entitlements, that she seems to come across with more sincerity than almost any other Politico, and that's where her popularity comes from.
I personally witnessed ALL the 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates and I will say that, OFF CAMERA, she is the most sincere and caring of the bunch. She can look you in the eye and there's no evidence of the insincere sneer that was so prevalent among all the other Candidates.
Finally, The B*tch has papers! No question of eligibility, where, when she was born, went to school, Tax records, School Records, etc. etc.