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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. The place makes it's money on Christmas celebrtation. It's located in the Cascades, E of Seattle and the winter settings are beautiful. I certainly have nothing against celebrating Christmas. So, if you're into Christmas music, I guess the answer would be yes. Outside of the Christmas season, it's OK ski country, and in the fall, since there are a lot of Apple orchards in the area, it's a big migrant worker attraction. The women in the ad are definately NOT natives!
  2. It's a total tourist trap! I'm guessing the girls are from LA, in front of a tourist back drop!
  3. Can't tell the Tricks from the Treats without a program!
  4. I guess he Really is a Genius! Never thought I'd hear an arrangement that successfully combined Christmas with Dyngus Day.
  5. No matter, the BILLS have not seen 8-8 since Wafe left!
  6. I tried Gin and threw up!
  7. That's great! Free Cigs AND Gas for all you Season Ticket Holders.
  8. Hope it didn't hurt his Teleprompter skills!
  9. The LAST TIME we saw 8-8 Wade was the H/C. Ironically, nobody was happy with that!
  10. Uh actually, WTC-6 was hit and only partially collapsed. Had to be demoloshed later. Your big-ass skyscrapers must have jumped over WTC-5, partially hit WTC-6, but never touched WTC-7, yet somehow it just fell down! So far, there's no rational explaination for that!
  11. You could always split the difference and live in Batavia!
  12. NASCAR is becomming like all other Sports, they're pricing themselves over what most fans can afford to pay. Their numbers are down compared to 3-5 years ago.
  13. I'll take the WIN! We could have lost AND blown the #1 pick.
  14. If our Government had a better rep for telling the Truth, we wouldn't have all the "conspiracy" stuff. Jesse occasionally makes some good points. Whenever any kind of sh*t happens, and the FBI gets involved, you know you'll never get the straight story because the FBI is too politically connected. I never heard that there were missing frames in the Zapruder film? If that's true, it screws up the whole time sequence of the assination. The 9/11 show asks why did WTC-7 "fall down?" Well, that's very much unanswered today? Did the Government have a hand in it? I don't think so but there are too many unanswered questions to put it to rest. They also asked where the Aircraft Flight Recorders were? The FBI says "officially" that they were never recovered but eye witness accounts say they were. Since they are by nature designed to withstand crash G's & temps., painted bright orange etc., how could they "not be found?" Jesse is a showman, to be sure. I love to watch his righteous indignation when he gets to the sites and they tell him to pound sand. it's pure WWF all over again. I was in High School when JFK was assinated. That event was on the same emotional level as 9/11. Everybody was upset and asking for answers and all you get is some windy presidential Commission to solve everything. As we all know, the Commissions drive many more questions than answers and that's where the conspiracy stuff, for better or worse, gets started.
  15. That's because we've had SO LONG to practice our skills!
  16. Similar events happened a lot when Howard Cossel was on MNF. Don't remember if he could dance?
  17. I would say, take you friend's house in Atlanta, with the low taxes, and put it in one of the better Eastern Buffalo suburbs. Without knowing the particulars, I would bet that his low taxes would increase 3-4 times per year for the same house in WNY. If he's paying $3,000/250 per month, and he went up to $12,000/$1000 per month that's significant. I think $12,000 per year is close to typical for a decent house in WNY. My point is, NOBODY likes to pay Taxes. A certain amount can be rationalized till the day comes when the area you live is constantly broke and their solution is to keep asking for more. If you don't have a good job, or lost a good job, you can't keep up and start looking at other options. I believe that's what happened to Buffalo over the past 40-50 years. All this and I didn't even mention Sales Tax, and Gasoline Tax. It's all a big part of your disposable income.
  18. I wonder if Air Force One could make it?
  19. Sounds like Billy Joe Hobert..part II.
  20. Let's see how great they really are...move em to Mexico. They could experience the same Border pleasures we get when we go to Hoser Land for a "home" game. The Stadium could be multi-purpose. Football & Bull Fighting!
  21. I can't believe so many of you are talking about the Weather as to why/why not to live in Buffalo. The deal breaker is the Economy, and a bug chunk of that is Taxes! NY Property and Sales Taxes are beyond belief! Despite that NYS is still broke! Sure many WNY houses seem "inexpensive," compared to many other places, but they more than make up for that with outrageous Property Taxes. Nobody should be moving anywhere without a J-O-B! If you're a Doctor or Medical professional you can write your own ticket in the Healthcare "industry." The banks are hiring but how much do they pay? Buffalo lost half its population, since 1950, due to loss of Manufacturing! Healthcare and Banks are no real economic substitute for that. I love Buffalo! I was born, raised and educated in WNY. I graduated from College in 1969, went in the Military in 70. I've lived in Virginia, Illinois, Texas and Washington State. They all have their advantages and disadvantages but, anytime I had the opportunity to return I couldn't justify the differences in the coast of living between Buffalo and the other places that I ended up choosing. To all the people who still live in WNY, I envy you, but just can't justify the expense! Considering the population loss, I'm not alone.
  22. EXACTLY! Considering our past less than stellar drafts, why all the sudden confidence in the next draft?
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