I can't believe so many of you are talking about the Weather as to why/why not to live in Buffalo.
The deal breaker is the Economy, and a bug chunk of that is Taxes! NY Property and Sales Taxes are beyond belief! Despite that NYS is still broke!
Sure many WNY houses seem "inexpensive," compared to many other places, but they more than make up for that with outrageous Property Taxes.
Nobody should be moving anywhere without a J-O-B! If you're a Doctor or Medical professional you can write your own ticket in the Healthcare "industry." The banks are hiring but how much do they pay?
Buffalo lost half its population, since 1950, due to loss of Manufacturing! Healthcare and Banks are no real economic substitute for that.
I love Buffalo! I was born, raised and educated in WNY. I graduated from College in 1969, went in the Military in 70. I've lived in Virginia, Illinois, Texas and Washington State. They all have their advantages and disadvantages but, anytime I had the opportunity to return I couldn't justify the differences in the coast of living between Buffalo and the other places that I ended up choosing.
To all the people who still live in WNY, I envy you, but just can't justify the expense! Considering the population loss, I'm not alone.