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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Geez, you picked the wrong week to stop drinking!
  2. The author has some good insight about Buffalo. Obviously not gained from a one-time weekend! It was nice to see so many Bloggers in general agreement with him. I gained new respect for Canada during the Iranian Hostage crisis, in the late 70's. Their Embassy Staff put their own personal safety on the line hiding some of our Embassy Staff, and eventually facilitating their escape out of Iran. Those people are the kind of Allies we could use more of. Despite all the un-complimentary comments we sometimes come across, when the chips are down, they really are good friends and neighbors to the USA.
  3. Nogt if you've ever been to the PI!
  4. Clearly the Duck has a future with TSA!
  5. Under the terms of the Trade, that should help our Conditonal 2012 Compensation.
  6. No worse than the Steelers loss, at the end of the Season a couple of years ago. Same deal, their scrubs made us look pitiful.
  7. Meyers Rum & Orange Juice. No mixes, no measuring, can't screw it up, but if you do, drink it and better luck next drink!
  8. I left in 1970 to go in the USAF. never moved back and Swear up & down, never sent my Ghost back YET!
  9. Early (1745)Dinner reservations at a nice Downtown Hotel. Hopefully go home after dinner although we are invited to a neighborhood party-my wife wants to go but I don't-no matter definately be home before the New Year. Maybe even watch them wheel in Dick Clark again! Happy 2011 everyone!
  10. Merry Christmas to you and your family also.
  11. Better to pick one, or the other. You'll regret mixing them.
  12. Well, we had an End named Bo Roberson (Cornell) in 1965. 65 was a good year for us so hopefully this guy will help.
  13. If you look at the Niagara Falls NY city shot, it's not too different from today's picture. On the other hand, even though Canada is not in the picture, the Skyline has taken off! As I recall, in 1969, the Canadian side of the Falls had 2 "Towers." The Seagram/Canon/ whatever they call it now and the Skylon. Quite a different picture today.
  14. Real White-out Conditions?
  15. Sounds like an old Jack Lemmon/Walter Matthau movie scene.
  16. Was he calling you a bad name or referring to the number of attendees?
  17. Did you run into any other BILLS Fans? I usually try to wear a Bills Jacket or hat and it's amazing the people I've met who are from Buffalo too.
  18. He's a Moron! Did you hear his remark about the "free tickets" in Detroit? Told everybody "in the Hood" to go to the game. "Free Tickets, but y'all have to pay for the food."
  19. Maybe he should have made a stop at Buffalo Optical while he was in town.
  20. He can wear whatever he wants as long as WE WIN! I wore one for the first Marriage. It lasted 3 years. The Second, and last, I don't. My Wife's not happy about it but I tell her they're bad luck. I must be right because this one's lasted 22+ years and it's still going strong!
  21. No doubt, he would be VERY easy to see!
  22. That's GREAT...IF... we're allowed to use it!
  23. I have a Golden Rertriever named Lindy Ruff.
  24. She likely wouldn't hesitate but she may always wonder if she did the right thing.
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