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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. OK so the Buffalo Politicos get "upset," they get over it, and nothing else happens. I like neither Bloomberg nor New York City BUT New York City has J-O-B-S and Buffalo does not. Neither do Rochester, Syracuse, Albany etc. If Buffalo and all the other major cities in New York State would cut taxes, offer business incentives, and do a lot more to encourage more and new business to locate here, perhaps Bloomberg would envy us rather than take cheap shots which, while they are cheap shots, have a ring of truth to them.
  2. Not much about this has really been in the news? Lack of media coverage is a bad thing for the players. They are being up-staged by the Wisconsin labor situation, our own Government financial situation and later the Japan earthquake. There's also not much sympathy for either side considering the economic situation in this country. Overall, not many people care about which group of millionaires "wins." Reality will not really sink in till we get much closer to the actual season, but that assumes that no other events happen to again divert peoples attention. Is the NFLPA messed up??? Absolutely! In hindsight, the players should have taken what the owners offered in hopes of a better deal next time. Now that NFLPA is de-certified, who has standing to represent them as a group? Labor Solidarity will become difficult absent a collective bargaining unit. The economy is against any "new" league formations, so this could be a very long work stopage. Maybe BUF could talk the Argo's into playing a couple of games at the Ralph? Payback EH?
  3. Wonder if he knows where Bin Laden is hanging out?
  4. Would Watson wear a headset? If so, who would he talk to?
  5. There may have been some left over. Didn't Jim Jones hang out in Oakland?
  6. What's wrong with the parents who pay thru the nose for this??? Hope the show was good because all those kids will be paying off Student loans till they're 80!
  7. Maybe he had his own personal STIMULUS program? Both were equally successful!
  8. That's great! I remember seeing Sal "the barber" pitch. It may have been at Offerman, but it could have been at the Rockpile. A LOT of Water has goen over Niagara Falls since then!
  9. I wonder if Michael Vick ever tried that???
  10. Considering all the recent problems at Arlington, I hope those who care to honor his grave can find it.
  11. As I've said before, this would all be OK IF the Politocos would let us WIN and get it over with! Whenever I look at the Viet Nam Memorial I always ask WHY??? What did that accomplish??? Ditto Korea, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom etc. etc. No disrespect to those who serve, I'm a Vet myself, but the continual loss of life with neither goals nor objectives is just plain stupid!
  12. Generally speaking; THERE's NO SUCH THING AS FREE!
  13. None of the Above!
  14. The license is used for ID. Expired or not, it's ID! It's not like Southwest was planning on putting her in the right seat to fly the plane. Pilot's licenses don't have picture ID anyway, but they do have pictures of Orville & Wilbur Wright on the back! TSA relys on Airline reservation data to check against "no fly" lists. They're not sophisticated enough, to have data ports at the check points. US Customs & Immigration does have data check capability at Border Crossings and Ports of Entry. Whatever you present is "eyeballed" to see if it "looks right," but that's about it. It's Kabuki to the Max! AND they pass the savings on to the Taxpayers AND the people who buy Airline Tickets. Despite all the BS & expense, we're no safer now than we were before 9/11!
  15. All his friggin brothers that have been paid by us for the last 10 years!
  16. Slow News day in the UK! Maybe the Brits wouldn't recognize the type of English she was teaching?
  17. I grew up listening to him in the 60's. His trio and quartet were the best. Very innovative and a Great Talent! RIP George!
  18. I lived in Seattle when A-Rod was a rookie. Didn't take long for people to refer to him as A-ROID!
  19. Wonder how the ice fishing will be?
  20. I've been in the Witness Protection program, at an indisclosed location. What happened in the last 9 years?
  21. Very much AS EXPECTED!
  22. RWS does a better job plowing snow too!
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