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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Oh, and our Marketing "Partners" in Toronto will keep running stories about how our drafting skills are a joke, and to expect nothing better in the future!
  2. So, what's the Wine choice to compliment the Ham? Happy Easter too, and yes we went to the "long" Church service last evening.
  3. The Lawsuit was fake too!
  4. Because they boo everything including the National Anthem. Speaking of that...I'll bet they got the BOO going last night...GO SABRES!
  5. Must be the beginning of Elder Abuse! The kids start off by forcing their parents to take them to McD's and it just gets worse from there. Try telling your kid we can't go to Toys'R'Us for your birthday, you'll have to settle for a McD's toy?
  6. How about NO GOAL across your rear end! A Love/Hate version of the Sabres AND the Aud!
  7. Wonder what the policy is in Detroit?
  8. If we remember the BRAVES, "it" did "happen in Buffalo."
  9. The Comair plane was made in Quebec! Maybe they're not as close as they would have us believe?
  10. I had my R knee replaced 9 years ago last month (3/02). I originally injured it in 1984, had several "scopes" over the years till there was nothing left. I was 54 when I had it done. All things considered, I think it's an improvement. Not perfect but an improvement. Had to go to a pre-op class. They told us what to expect. My doctor had me donate a unit of blood before the surgery. The nurse that gave the class told me it would be a "bloodless surgery." I asked her why I had to donate a unit of blood? She said they call it bloodless because they put a very tight tourniquet around the top of your leg BUT when they take it off; "you will bleed like a ! The tough part was the rehab and physical therapy. You Have to Do It! Otherwise the joint will build too much scar tissue, it will always be stiff, and you won't have good range of motion (bending)which is not good. I have read that some hospitals do it as out-patient now. I can't imagine that but it's been 9 years for me so maybe it is possible now. My left knee is not in the best shape but replacement has never been discussed so I'm not raising the issue. As for sleeping, you might start out with a firm pillow under the replaced knee. If you sleep on your back that may be OK. As for pain. Have you ever heard of phantom pain? You may experience some of that, post-op, but it eventually goes away. Was it the most fun I ever had? No way! BUT, I had no choice and so far it's been OK. My wife & I walk for 2 miles around the hood almost every day, so I have no trouble walking and that's totally unassisted, and no I don't limp! I can ride my 10 speed without any problem just set a moderate pace, no Tour deFrance stuff. My job usually has me sitting or walking, not too much standing, but i expect that would be OK too. Good luck! Don't fight the rehab, it's all for the best, everyone that has this done is not over the hill, it's not just for old people!
  11. Levitation has always worked well for me!
  12. Wouldn't happen if TSA ran the Restrooms too!
  13. So they're HO-ser's?
  14. But sooner or later they're going to grind you down OR the Big Earthquake will happen to even the "playing field."
  15. I really hope the Sabres do well but it seems as though every year they're fighting for that 7th or 8th spot. If they could just not have a few of those 4 or 5 game losing streaks early in the season, we wouldn't have to worry about the final 2-3 games every year. It's also great to have a reliable back-up goalie! GO SABRES!
  16. Soooo, How come she didn't stay in WNY?????
  17. If Toronto is such a success, why all the empty seats?
  18. Exactly! And you can't tell me they all just came from Church.
  19. She should move to Lackawanna. Lots of waterfront and Lake views!
  20. If you were going overnight, definately stay somewhere that "leave(s) the light on for you!"
  21. NO, in Hindsight you should have bucked up and ALREADY seen a Doctor instead of asking us WTF to do!
  22. I was considering putting my 2 cents in but maybe space limitations would preclude that!
  23. Memory Erasing Technology has kept us Fans for a long time now.
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