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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Something with "X-ray vision" may be more useful. You wouldn't believe the: guns, drugs, cigarettes, illegal aliens etc. that run up/down I-95. I would drive on my rims before I would stop for a flat tire there! "Ccver me while I change my tire!" Make that X2 if it's dark!
  2. Could be useful on the Borders!
  3. Too bad they're not allowed any Religious beliefs! It could have been seen a sort of Divine intervention.
  4. Maybe that's what drew him to the Bills and the Ralph? We certainly have had a knack for; spoiling fast and inconsistent quality. Can't comment on the diet reference but as for inefficiencies, our recent Stats speak for themselves. I met Mr Rich a few years ago at a Winery outside Niagara on the Lake. He, and I assume his wife, bought several cases or Wine. Don't know how he got thru US Customs, but maybe he had a place in Canada too? He was a very nice man!
  5. About 15-20 years ago, WNED did a fund raising type video called THINGS THAT AREN'T THERE ANYMORE." The theme of the show was all the Buffalo landmarks and buildings that have beeen lost for various reasons over the past 50 or so years. Of course, they included; The Rockpile, and Offerman Stadium, Shelton Square/Erie County Bank, Laube's Old Spain, the Crystal Beach Boat etc. The AUD was not included because, at the time, it was still standing. I found a VHS copy on EBAY a couple of years ago, but don't know if WNED still sells them? If they find out it's in demand, maybe they'll repeat them? You're right about wanting to see more. I've been on the Fire Boat and in/out of Central Terminal but who's ever been to the top of the Electric Company building? Too bad he didn't show it at Christmas! Hopefully they'll do another program, or two, because there is a lot more to see and talk about! It was very entertaining, and I would like to see more. Had I not seen the "heads up" on this Board, I could have easily missed it!
  6. That's true! They named the Highway after him. He was famous for being among the first to recognize the the value of leaving DC by a fast direct route. Too bad the place is now full of people who won't give us a break and also leave.
  7. Exactly! Let the Politicians step aside and let a "private" organization build it, and profit from it! I know, PROFIT is a bad word. The big bad Oil Companies Profit because they sell a product that is in demand, while GM does not, because it's builds too many vehicles that people don't want. I have not lived in BUF since '70 so I don't know the current status of The Peace Bridge Authority. By that I mean, are they policically appointed/connected, or are they a for-profit, or even a non-profit Commission or Enterprise? That could determine what is done, or not, going forward. As for the Birds, the only wildlife I ever observed around the bridge were those Freakin Sand Flies. Maybe the "endangered" birds eat them?
  8. Sounds like they left out quite a few of your Pool Opening procedures.
  9. Richard Milhous Obama??? That's not what the Birth Certificate says!
  10. I worked at the Peace Bridge for 2 summers. while going to college. It was 1967 & 1968, the toll was .25 for cars. Crystal Beach was still there and the Ft Erie Race Track generated a lot of business during the Racing Seasons. 40+ years ago the Bridge had weight restrictions! Any Commercial Trucker who needed to haul a "heavy" load across the Bridge had to get a special permit from the Bridge Authority AND had to do it at a specified time, always in the middle of the night. It was planned during the night because the Bridge had to be closed to all traffic while the truck crossed. Sorry, I can't remember what that limit was. I don't think the only problem is the "bottleneck," which is there, but the fact that the Bridge is now 84 years old, and can't last forever. For all you sports fans, it was there Before the AUD and the Rockpile! I would expect the "leisure trips" have slowed down due to the Passport requirements but the Commercial Traffic will continue and the current Bridge is not up to future traffic projections. In order to keep Buffalo from "shrinking" even more, it needs to be replaced, and we can't blow another 10 years talking about it!
  11. You guys are dreaming! Read today's News about the Peace Bridge. 10+ years of BS & Harupmhs and what do we have to show for it? Area marketing is good only as long as you don't have to cross an International Border to accomplish it. Going to/from Canada is not the breeze it used to be. Can it be done? Sure! Can it be a giant pain in the ass? Absolutely! As for walking across the Rainbow Bridge???? Having Graduated from Niarara U, I can tell you that the fall/winter winds along the Gorge, coincidental with the NFL Season, are unbelievable. It's not the casual/pleasant walk you may think it to be. As of now, we don't even know where we're walking to, as in where's the site? I've been a BILLS Fan since day 1, and wish them only the best, but this thread seems to be a giant reach, likley due to the boredom of our uncertain Season. You have to remember that, since the BILLS were founded, 50% of the WNY population has had to move away. I think the area would be especially hard pressed to come up with the financing for a new Stadium anytime soon.
  12. LA & the NFL are no match! The NFL is living in the past, and the past couldn't even support the Rams & Raiders. Now the demographics have changed so much that there's little demand for an NFL team in SoCal. The economy couldn't support a team! The "beautiful people" only care about themselves to the exclusion of "team sports." The population is taxed to death! Gas is ALWAYS the highest in the nation because of the taxes, and all the whacky gasoline blends that the environmentalists demand. The SoCal economy is circling the drain because of all the un/underfunded Social Programs. Many residents have either lost their homes to foreclosure or are So "underwater" that they'll likely never be able to recover. There are too many people employed in the "service induistry" and most of them cannot speak, read, or understand English. They make minimum wage and couldn't afford to attend a game, IF they were even interested, which they are not. LA would have more success by making a new stadium a Bull Ring rather than a NFL type facility. I have traveled to LA and San Diego frequently in the past 40 years. The general area is mostly in decline and the changes are difficult to miss. It's getting very much like Europe-no middle class! You either drive a Mercedes/BMW etc or a 84 Chev-not much in between!
  13. The only thing missing is the ever popular DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY defense!
  14. Depending on the wording of the Mutual Aid Agreement, he may have done the right thing. Not informing his Dispatcher may have been an oversight, brought on by the apparent urgency of the situation, but I think there may have been issues prior to this, that may have led to the firing. The Dispatcher needs to know aproximately where his recources are, at any given time, so that he/she can respond to a subsequet call(s) for service. Both sides would seem to have a case! Given the economy, many employers would just as soon fire a person, and attempt to replace him at a lower pay rate, than simply counseling him and moving on.
  15. May have been a RED MAPLE, or a BLACK OAK, but it didn't look like a WHITE PINE!
  16. Everyone seems a bit on edge tonight! I expect mass suicide if there's no Season!
  17. Kind of like SLAP SHOT? GIVE'EM THE FOIL!
  18. How about the LeMans Start and the Grand Prix, or, was that his brother?
  19. Absent a collective bargaining agreement you could say he's All Dressed Up with No Place to Go!
  20. This is 40+ old but It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World was a good story, for a comedy.
  21. It's a Good Start! We'll see how it goes from here.
  22. Hope he's not the next Kellen Winslow Jr.!
  24. I feel better now! Since everybody on the Board is always talking about Ralph's age, chances are Donald has seen his Birth Certificate , has already calculated the date, and we may have a Deal! I'd love to see him Fire Toronto!
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