Wine Enthusiast is a little like most other "Awards" nowadays, JD Power comes to mind...if you pay them they give you an "award."
I lived in N VA for 8 years in the 70's, and now in the Richmond area for the last 8 years, and just can't see the attraction to Virginia wine. Moved here from Seattle where they do have some great wineries and wines...but that's my opinion, and wine taste/enjoyment can be very personal.
I prefer the West Coast wines by far over anything I've found in the East. They cost a lot more here because of the shipping but generally worth it. That could improve IF the US ever gets a sincere Energy policy in place.
Go into DC, and you can find some imported Wines, many times less expensive than our domestic brands. Check out some of the liquor stores on Connecticut Ave., near the MD. line. Try Magruders on Conn. Ave. They often have in-store wine tasting, online ads, and they have SALES too. Virginia has ABC stores with zero selection!
Virginia is for lovers, just not Wine lovers! Enjoy your trip, it's getting more springlike by the day...not so much by night, but by day!