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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Bought a new '83 280ZX. That was my first non- "made in USA" car. Since then I've owned nothing but Nissan and never looked back to mr. Goodwrench!
  2. Hope it misses our new Stadium. This team couldn't handle another Rock Pile.
  3. Yes, and he's still counting his Loonies-and I don't mean sesaon ticket holders!
  4. Another pebble in the shallow end of the gene pool!
  5. I'm very sorry for your loss. It really hurts when you do the right thing and feel worse for it! I'm on #6 Golden Retriever, over the last 40 years. The first 2 I had their entire lives. The next 3 were "senior" rescue dogs who only lived about 3 years each time. The current dog is a "pound puppy." He was 1 year old when I found him, very immature, but he's come a long way in the last 3 years and is a wonderful dog. When you feel ready, consider rescuing, if possible. You can go to a site such as Petfinder. They are breed and location specific so you just enter the breed you're looking for, your zip code and you never know... A new dog may help with the grief you're feeling now, and you'll possibly have saved another animal's life.
  6. IF the EPA would settle on ONE Gasoline Blend Nationwide, the price per gallon would easily back off by up to $1 per gallon as a single blend was introduced. Why do I need gas specific to Virginia??? It's totally ! While I'm at it, why is Diesel more than Gas? It used to always be less because it's not as refined. The more diesel goes up the more we pay for EVERYTHING starting with Food!
  7. Isn't that what the Wall is all about?
  8. Wine Enthusiast is a little like most other "Awards" nowadays, JD Power comes to mind...if you pay them they give you an "award." I lived in N VA for 8 years in the 70's, and now in the Richmond area for the last 8 years, and just can't see the attraction to Virginia wine. Moved here from Seattle where they do have some great wineries and wines...but that's my opinion, and wine taste/enjoyment can be very personal. I prefer the West Coast wines by far over anything I've found in the East. They cost a lot more here because of the shipping but generally worth it. That could improve IF the US ever gets a sincere Energy policy in place. Go into DC, and you can find some imported Wines, many times less expensive than our domestic brands. Check out some of the liquor stores on Connecticut Ave., near the MD. line. Try Magruders on Conn. Ave. They often have in-store wine tasting, online ads, and they have SALES too. Virginia has ABC stores with zero selection! Virginia is for lovers, just not Wine lovers! Enjoy your trip, it's getting more springlike by the day...not so much by night, but by day!
  9. $3.42 at Costco in Midlothian VA., yesterday.
  10. Wineries??? Virginia??? You're not serious!
  11. Do all his Ex's live in Texas? It's his EX, who cares? That's why they're EX's, we don't care!
  12. If Ralph was running the Olympics the game would have been played in Toronto!
  13. I think Thigpen is very tight with Chan and Wannstash.
  14. The pictures make it look much larger than 2880 sq'. Nice house, scary taxes!
  15. Thought this thread was about our President!
  16. Mom should get an Award! If the "arresting" officer could spend his/her time getting the Perv's off the streets, so they were safe for a 10 year old, maybe this wouldn't be an issue. Sad to say, I could take the NFT all over Buffalo when I was 10, and walk anywhere that I wanted. I know times were different then, but the fact that our streets are not safe for our children is the far bigger story here.
  17. Hope he can bow towards Mecca from an underground cell!
  18. That would not be a big deal in Denver...everybody's an automatic member!
  19. Thought we had one, and even named a Stadium after him!
  20. The Courier was a great Paper! It was "the Morning Paper" but my Dad used to send me down to a Deli on Seneca St, at 1030-1100PM to get the Courier. That would be child abuse today but somehow I made it!
  21. Irsay Sr. was a nutcase and the acorn apparently didn't fall far from the tree.
  22. "Pure," from Mexico? What happens, do you get high, and sh*t yourself all at the same time?
  23. I've been driving Datsun/Nissan since '83. Prior to that it was all Chev/Buick. Got tired of being on a first name basis with Mr.Goodwrench! Just traded in my '02 Pathfinder for a new Murano. Wife has a 3 year old Murano and it's a good car! I always look at the VIN numbers to see where they were built, but that's just me. I knew too many people who worked for Chev/Ford in Buffalo and heard all the "stories." I would buy American but my employer buys all GM/Ford, because the State says to, and to me they are mostly crap. Watch the News. Look at what the terrorists drive ...they're all about reliability without all the 7500 mile checks, dealer visits, etc. No Chevy Equinox's there! You don't see Omar at the dealer waiting for his pick-up, w/.50 cal. on the back! Honda used to be good but are getting pricey and starting to get a lot of recalls. Hyundai/Kia are the same, kind of like Ford/Mercury. Kia is the "B" brand but their warrenties are very tempting and they seem to be well built. If I had not had such good luck with Nissan, maybe I'd look at Hyundai or Kia. Good luck, no matter what you decide. None of them are cheap and your satisfaction is important.
  24. It would be nice if they spoke/understood English!
  25. Your contamination is someone else's Vodka!
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