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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Ah the Hearthstone!!! No better place to be hit with kitty Willows than on Dick RD.
  2. This is all just speculation. Anytime you talk about spending $200 mil for a "renovation" the natural question is; how much for a new one? If $200 mil just putting a new dress on an old h*, how much for the new one??? Downtown is little more than a business center. Shopping left 30 years ago. That's the way most cities have gone. Not many people go there, so what's the big attraction as a location for a Stadium? NFTA has the "good" waterfront tied up forever, and the "bad" is mostly Superfund sites that would cost big money to develop. Speaking of Superfund sites, we have the biggest at Niagara Falls. Really not easily developed. So afer all the politicians speak, we're likely back to renovating Rich and trying to find the funding to get it done, or not.
  3. They're no more Bible Thumping Church Boys than most College Athletes are scholars. They go where they can get a free ride and that's it.
  4. In this day and age, nobody, including the Military, is flying around with a bunch of excess fuel. The exception would be Air Force 1, where money is no object. If it's true that he had time to dump fuel, he should have had time to set it down in the Ocean. Hope there was no loss of life.
  5. It's no big deal, they're probably KIN!
  6. That same car would not have made it through three Buffalo Winters!
  7. The guy's a fraud and a BS'er! That's how we ended up with him, he BS'd Ol'Whitey with all his dazling "plans." Now he'll have a lot of time to sit home and gaze at his "Forward Lateral" picture and remember the bad old days!
  8. So Al Cowlings was driving around the wrong guy??
  9. Get well soon AND please DON't watch the Sabres during your recovery!
  10. Not too many branches on that Family Tree!
  11. Uniforms change BUT a Tattoo is forever!
  12. We need a good long term Stadium deal. When Ralph takes the dirt nap, it will be easier to keep the franchise in WNY if the Stadium issues are favorably settled.
  13. That could work IF Jasper makes the team. He could be the Buffalo Fridge!
  14. It's not the Polish Lottery...a Dollar a year for a million years!
  15. Too bad we don't have a usable Bridge to get there! Marine fuel is expensive too! Crystal Beach closed too soon! This could breathe new life into the Maid of the Mist franchise. Maybe call them the; Booty Boats, the Ballet Barge, the Poon Pontoons etc.
  16. We're lucky we didn't lose a few for employing Gregggggg the Bounty Hunter!
  17. It's very impressive! Having lived in Seattle for 25 years, I didn't see the sky very often.
  18. Don't the Seneca's have ODDS on that?
  19. I remember a game in new England where THEY did that. As the Goal Posts were being carried off the field, a portion of the post touched an electrical wire. Several "fans" sobered up instantly!
  20. Excuse me, I must be on the wrong Team's Board!
  21. Hey BRIDES...they're not Squirrels they're TARGETS! I'd be happy to help but Canada Customs keeps asking me if I have any Firearms? I usually tell them none of their freakin business and am therefore denied entry into Canada. Maybe we could get little Canada Customs outfits for the Squirrels- a Win-Win situation!
  22. Join the P_O_E_T_S....P**s On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday! Works for me!
  23. He can't stay inside ESPN forever...Have him WACKED!!!
  24. Everyone's acting like Bounties are something new....They're not! Buddy Ryan used to pull that crap back when he was with the Eagles. At that time, everyone would absolutely deny everything, and life would go on. That was before Goodell was in charge. Thank God this sh*t storm didn't open up while Gregggg was here! We know the BILLS were "mentioned" in this. Maybe too much water had gone over Niagara Falls to revisit whatever happened in Buffalo when Gregggg was here? The cheaters will always try to rise to the level of the prize, and the NFL has plenty of prize money rolling around.
  25. You're right, they're CRAZY about him in Florida. Maybe they could even get rid of a tarp or two at the Stadium. There's no doubt he would have an initial impact on their ticket sales. Not many Wins, but they would sell some tickets for a while.
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