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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. You need to assert yourself. Go in there and tell them what you WANT, that you want it NOW, and that you OWN the Company...that's assuming that you are a US Taxpayer!
  2. Why not?? He's playing with that big headed, dumba*s Snyder's money.
  3. You remember, it DIED in 1978!
  4. Considering our past Draft successes, it's a bit frightening to say our 7th round guy makes the team before he even sets foot on the Practice Field.
  5. As my Father used to say; "TIME & PLACE!" Now may not be the time or the place for this article but the Stadium issue is an inevitability so the article, if it were to be run, could be stuck anywhere in the future. Unless this date is coincidental with Stadium negotiations, and I don't know if that's true or not, it's likely neither the time or the place for the atricle. Maybe just another slow news day in Buffalo?
  6. I'll stick with the Rangers/Sens Game. Bt the time that ends maybe the BILLS will be on the Board.
  7. Suck it up, repaint the Bathroom (the smaller room), and get on with life. Who knows, if we beat Miami 2x this year, you may actually enjoy taking a dump in the blue bathroom!
  8. They didn't take picture where the likely tell-tale stains would be. I'd pass! Who the Hell would want some dude's 20 year old pants?
  9. Exactly! Have NOT given a sh*t about the NBA since.
  10. Absolutely right! Briere should have been a Sabre for life! As for rooting for PHL.....Um HELL NO!
  11. Good for her! Somebody HAD to do it!
  12. I used to get "motivated" by such things as a slap with a ruler, a note to my parents etc....Somehow I made it, and if i had a problem, it was MY problem and not someone else's fault. Teachers should TEACH and leave the bad entertainment to MTV. Can you imagine Chan & CO. acting as fools in front of the team before we play a big game, to "encourage" them to play well??? Maybe Gregggg should have tried that!
  13. Likely not much of a lifetime plan after the Prom, OR, she could repeat the year and try again next Spring!
  14. Well at least we won't be playing the last 2 games against Miami & the Jets because the world will have already ended!
  15. UPS & FedEx are both night time operations. They accumulate shipments all day and fly overnight & deliver during next the day, so that may be an option. BUF mostly has just a few arrivals at night, so there's not much going on there, unless you're into overnight airplane cleaning. Pizza/Wing delivery is always available but can be risky, depending on the area. You're not going to create a career between 2000-0200 but good luck achieving your goals.
  16. "believed to prey largely on Humboldt squid and sea lions" AND Mexican Fisherman!
  17. It also doubles as his Fantasy Football card!
  18. Obviously I'm sorry to hear of his passing but REALLY...he should have given up the New Year's eve gig after the stroke!
  19. I saw a RR Griffin engine at a museum in GB. It's a real monster! Now if they could recover both the engines AND the Airframes, considering their age and storage conditions, that would be remarkable. Having seen the engine I don't know how/if it would perform with today's LL AV Gas?
  20. The only way you come out ahead on that is if you can walk to the Liquor Store. The cheap liquor/wine prices lessen the sting of buying Gasoline. I think Gallo still makes Night Train. Their name is not on the bottle but I think they are the producer. Who would bother with 2 Buck Chuck when you have; MD 20/20, Wild Irish Rose and Thunderbird?
  21. Mine says 88. Didn't try the other site because I didn't want to "register." IF I make 88 and IF the BILLS ever are CHAMPS, will I have the mental capability to give a sh*t? How many 80 year olds are hanging around the parking lot before the game? Maybe I should consider starting a 80+ Tailgate section? DEPENDS!
  22. BILLS 20/CHARGERS 7 12/26/64 at the Rockpile. Keith Lincoln leaves game w/broken rib(s). Pre Cable, way Pre Satellite, drove to a Holiday Inn in Rochester to watch the game. Good Times!
  23. With the #10 pick, the Buffalo Bills select...................
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