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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Have to hope no Cattle were Raped!
  2. Roger may have that planned for Gregggg!
  3. This has been going on for years! My recollection is that it started in the 60's with Bell/Textron and American Airlines and just continued from there. Texas actually persues businesses to locate there, while NY just shrugs their shoulders. Having lived 4 years in Texas, I can honestly say it's no garden spot BUT when this happens, NY needs to step up match whatever the incentives are, and give businesses a reason to be in NY, and hire the talent that's already here. Illinois gave the store away to Boeing, just so they would locacte their corporate offices there. In fact, Chicago actually beat out (out spent)Dallas & Denver. It's past time for Buffalo, and NY State to create a business environment that makes companies want to be here.
  4. http://www.bangcartoon.com/2005/ezyryder.htm
  5. You're absolutely right but as with so much else in this world, there's a lot of corruption, and somebody got paid off-BIG TIME! He should be buried under a Pig Farm in Scotland!
  6. And likely nobody's working, nobody's paying taxes, and the joke's on us!
  7. The "invention" has a lot of similarities with the creation of Wings. Must be a NY State thing.
  8. The link died.....Maybe the Bacteria got it!
  9. He's too old! Been there, done that with another "old" Drew, and it didn't work very well. Buddy Nix may have a past with the guy but, it's too far in the past, and all Buddy's great picks of the past are now well over 30. I'd vote NO before we end up with another "Over the Hill Gang!
  10. That's true! They usually screw around until at least the first week of Camp. Hopefully this is another "good" sign!
  11. I saw him AND Dean AND Sammy perform in Seattle in 1988. Frank was good, Dean was kind of out of it, BUT Sammy stole the show. They were all great entertainers!
  12. Elizabeth Taylor, early 70's, Dulles Airport, absolutely beautiful, asked me for a match, sorry I didn't smoke! Gerald Ford,(gave him a ride home from Dulles to Alexandria VA when he was House Minority Leader), OJ, George Allen, Mike Holmgren (very pompous full of himself), Ralph Wilson, Paul Maguire, Sarah Palin, (seemed very sincere for a politician), Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Dave Winfield, but the most important was the one, I saw and touched last night, it was NYFD Rescue 3/4 Fire truck that responded to the 9-11 WTC call. 9 of the truck crew lost their lives on 9-11, but the Truck survived and was in service for the NYFD till 2010. It was on display in the Richmond Airport Fire House last evening. Having lost co-workers on 2 of the 4 planes on 9-11, it was a moving experience, beyond words.
  13. Ralph fired Polian! It was not his best move but that was the decision. On the other hand, he fired Lou Saban too, and he came back and was successful, so who knows?
  14. Sometimes 401K programs have a feature whereby the fund is professionally managed, for a small fee. I know the fee side is not popular BUT, over time, the professional management versus your own personal selection(s) will usually be more successful. Age/retirement Targeted Funds are another option. They usually do not have an extra fee but likewise don't perform as well, over time. Most people just throw money into their 401k or 457 and expect it to perform well. Unfortunately the average worker does not have the time or background to track all the investment options. Whatever plan your employer offers is only as good as your ability to successfully manage it. It's your money, and if you can't or won't manage it successfully, it's no longer a "benefit."
  15. That's true but you don't have to cross a bottleneck bridge(s), have a Passport, or go thru Customs to get From Green Bay to Milwaukee! The Toronto deal brought tens of Millions of $$ to the BILLS. IF there is another deal, the BILLS should put a good portion of the "windfall" towards Stadium renovation/relocation (in WNY of course)to enhance the Game experience. If we don't have a first rate product, we won't attract the numbers of fans needed to be a future success and the BILLS need to not only "cash in" on this, but also positively contribute to their product.
  16. Born on E side of BUF, moved to S Buffalo and grew up there. Graduated from Niagara U in '69, left WNY in '70. N. VA 70-78, Seattle 78-80, Chicago 80-82, Houston 82-86, back to Seattle 86-2003, Williamsburg VA 2003-2004, Chester VA. S side of Richmond 2004 till now. Would like to move but "it's the economy stupid." Seattle was nice but the drizzle/fog and more drizzle for 10 months a year got old. Houston was hell! The Richmond area is full of obnoxious Redskins fans and more obnoxious Cowboys fans. The Cowboys fans exist only because they don't like the Redskins, and being a Cowboys fan goes a long was to piss the Redskins fans off, so it has some entertainment value! I drive up to Fredericksburg VA every 5-6 weeks to "stock up" at Wegmans, so it's almost like being home again.
  17. That's great, but now if we don't make it, we'll blame it on your bad karma!
  18. Go to one of the Hotel Sports Books and put $100 on the BILLS to win the SB.
  19. Any complimentary Banjo music???
  20. GRAVITY is a constant, even in Texas!
  21. Wonder if she'd like to buy an NFL Team?
  22. I can't imagine many Brooklyn residents affording the NBA Ticket Prices.
  23. I was thinking Proctologist, but maybe that's because I'm old.
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