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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Everyone knows that the money you pay into Social Security (FICA) is taxed. Since that's true, your retirement benefits were not taxed, because you already paid once. That was changed by President Clinton, BUT it was a tie vote in the Senate, and good old "Global Warming" Al Gore cast the tie breaking vote, to make the double taxation a law. Another example of one vote making a difference.
  2. I was raised in S Buffalo and there used to be a "lake" on the back side of the Cazenovia Park "Casino" building. The water came from Cazenovia Creek. This was during the 30's, or maybe a bit earlier. They used to rent canoe's there. I believe they also did the same in Delaware Park, but that was a bit out of my territory, so I'm not as familiar with it. This was also a good 20-25 years before I was born, so I never actually saw it. It was a great concept but it was impossible to maintain because of the sewer problems upstream of the park, and also I think the spring time ice probably damaged the area a lot, so the lake was eventually filled in. I believe it was part of the Olmstead plan for the Park. You probably wouldn't have wanted to rock the canoe, and fall in, considering the sewer issues.
  3. Picture going up against those at Normandy, or the Bulge! Too many of our Fathers & Grandfathers died so that we could be free, and now our freedom is again in jeopardy, without a shot being fired.
  4. LA will get their team but it will be the RAIDERS!
  5. Gotta love the Rockpile! It was games such as those that had people looking at domed stadium options before they settled on the Rich/Ralph construction.
  6. IF you think the economy in the USA is bad, Europe is many times worse, more expensive and potential full of language issues. Europe may work IF you had a job in hand before you go, if not, don't do it. There's not much of a middle class in Europe. You're either driving a big Mercedes, BMW etc., or a Vespa, or if you're lucky a "Smart Car." Gas is in the $8-9 per gallon range. It's not easy to party without a ride, a place to live, and pocket full of Euro's!
  7. IF you can get the job in LA, take it NOW!
  8. The grievances against King George oddly resemble those against King Barry. Seems as though the past really is prologue.
  9. Yeah, we don't worry about green/wind/electric etc. when it comes to Air Force 1. The only other 747-200's still operating are flying rubber dog sh*t out of China.
  10. A lot of it is a language issue, which leads into a culture issue. Anyone who drives in DC, the DC area in MD., or N VA knows about this. If you see Diplomatic Plates....Run...Run away!
  11. Godzilla on the 4th of July??? Hope we still have fireworks!
  12. I expect most of us that left did so for one primary reason a J O B! I love BUF because it's home. I didn't WANT TO LEAVE...BUT, I, and I expect most of us, made the hard choice and did what we thought was best for our own situations. The people that have left, are joined by Millions of others. You don't believe Millions? Just look at the US House of Representatives member map. 40 years ago, NYS had about 45 Representatives in the US House. Now we're down to 29 and the only reason for that is a massive loss of population, as indicated in the Census. Did NYC lose many? No, but NYS did, big time! So the population has shifted away from NYS, but there are still a lot of us that Love Buffalo. As people grow older, they may have the opportunity to decide where they want to live, if they are in a position to actually retire. I guarantee you that anyone who's from Buffalo entertains that thought of returning BUT, when you start looking at the living expenses including; property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, car insurance, etc. etc., reality sets in and Buffalo will lose every time! I agree that there are a lot of reasons to Love Buffalo, and many more to miss Buffalo. I envy the people who could stay, and make a good living, but many of us were not that fortunate. When i left, Buffalo had; Bethlehem Steel, Republic Steel, Standard Oil, National Gypsum, Harrison Radiator, 2 Newspapers, a merchant filled Downtown, a working Waterfront with many Lake Freighters, Railroad tracks most everywhere, a much larger Ford & GM presence. All that changed due to taxes and regulation, which are still mostly in place. So, I love it, I miss it, but like most of us, you can't live in the past, and the future has pretty much departed.
  13. Too bad Scotty's not around anymore. Sounds like a BEAM ME UP would have been appropriate.
  14. Too bad the FAR SIDE is not around anymore. That was right up there!
  15. Elmo needs to be told that if it wasn't for Christmas nobody would be buying his dumb as*!
  16. I've had to sit by a lot of people that I wished were dead!
  17. I love Buffalo because I was born there, and grew up in S Buffalo. Have not lived there since '70, but it's home. Just drove 70+ miles, each way, to get to Wegans in Fredericksburg VA., for my; Sahlens hot dogs, Webers, Bison Dip, etc. I do that every 4-5 weeks on the not so scenic, but thus far Toll free, I-95. I miss it BUT, not enough to move back to the NY taxes.
  18. We have Sportsbooks, they have Psychic Pigs. Would you rather lose your money to a bookie or a pig?
  19. So, you don't like LITTLE DEBBY?
  20. Knowing the past, how about waiting till after the BYE before we start "naming" the line?
  21. Suitcase SEX????
  22. He will need that to get in/out of that OP Driveway, in the Winter! Wonder if he's ever been "plowed in?"
  23. Shakespeare was right about the Lawyers!
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