I'm from the other side of the Park, Seneca/Indian Church Rd. Grew up there 1950-70. My parents bought the house because, at that time, my Mom didn't have her license yet. We could walk to all kinds of shopping on Seneca. Woolworth's, Grant's, Sears, 2 "Super Markets", 3 or 4 Banks, Western Auto, etc. etc. You could take the 15 Bus downtown in :25, so it used to be pretty nice.
Most people worked at one of the Steel Plants, or one of the Railroads, and a few worked downtown. There were several local taverns that used to charter school busses to go to the BILLS Games at the Rockpile. That was great! You could eat and drink as much as you wanted, you have a bus full of friends to look out for you, if you had too much, and no driving worries. Good times, for sure!