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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Hope you consider what's higher...your insurance deductable or bail? As for working "5 days of hard labor," many employers look down on an arrest record, no matter how worthy the cause!
  2. Yeah, Chan was definately the more sexy pick over Marty!
  3. What...No skiing???
  4. He lived for 8 days after being shot. For the first 7, his diagnosis was very good. The doc's missed the gangrene which went undiagnosed internally, at the stitched entry and exit wound in the stomach, and also one of his kidneys, which was also injured by the bullet. Either way, I guess we're still doomed.
  5. Lincoln and Garfield were assasinated in DC, and JFK in Dallas. Not only did they all win Super Bowls, but 3 of our 4 losses were to the Redskins and the Cowboys. Buffalo lost out by; the opening of the St Lawrence Seaway, no tariffs on imported Steel, and the rise of foreign auto sales, because our cars really became second rate. McKinley may have lived given more competent diagnosis, and then none of the above would ever have happened!
  6. I think Rick James is somewhere in Forest Lawn, along with Aretha's Mom..
  7. I'll bet that after a week in Honolulu they don't bring home anything but a big credit card bill.
  8. But a real LB would PUT YOUR EYE OUT! Anyway, the season will be over by the time Christmas gets here.
  9. Born & raised in BUF....What more can I say. Old enough to say i remember their first season. Lived in other NFL cities including Washington DC, Chicago, Houston (Oilers) and Seattle. It's just not the same in other places. First move out of BUF was to DC in '70. Lombardi was the Coach, and I thought I would like to go to a game. I quickly found out that RFK was sold out for the next 400 years and that you had to be a; Congressman, Judge, General, Admiral, High Powered Lawyer etc. to even get near the place. That experience likely kept me a BILLS fan for life. The Rock Pile and Rich Stadium were the anti-RFK for me, and that's the way I like it. Enjoy a game with real fans/people!
  10. Likely different circumstances, but neither was she!
  11. Maybe American was using a "substitute" ground crew in solidarity with the NFL Ref's.
  12. Sad to say, but this is modern day economics. No matter what your profession, if you can't/won't accept whatever the fair/unfair terms of your employment may be, there is no shortage of people who try to undercut your position. At least that's the view the "employers" never fail to remind you of! The employers generally hold ALL the cards! They know that some employees will give in and accept the deal. Those that won't are "easily" replaced by generally undertrained, inexperienced new hires. This leads to all kinds of problems within the surviving employee group. The employers don't care, because they're "saving money." Only IF the customers notice, and either complain, or take their business elsewhere, will they sometimes re-think their position. This happens everywhere, and the NFL is no exception.
  13. WheI moved out of BUF the main industries were; Steel, Autos, Shipping, Milling etc. Now were down to wife swapping and prostitution on the Thruway????
  14. I flew F from Dulles to Rome and back from Frankfurt to Dulles, on a United 777, last October. Great service, not an A380, but no wing cracks either. The return flight had the new 7 seat F configuration. The flights from the USA to Europe are usually overnignt, so the bed was nice. The return was all during daylight, so the bed was there, but I didn't use it. I still prefer the 747's but they are getting hard to find.
  15. The people that were there in WWII would laugh at these morons!
  16. Too bad United went back to the DOS type system that Continental used. The FAA is no better off with their Air Traffic management. Add the TSA show and, given the choice, I drive!.
  17. He knows how Chan likes his coffee...priecless!
  18. Beware of SEAHAWKS BEARING GIFTS! This is payback for Beastmode, and nothing else.
  19. Natural Selection worked again! Maybe they could put some Zoo Moats in the Denali to protect the animals from the idiots.
  20. "The acorn dosn't fall far from the tree." Irsay Sr. was nuts too!
  21. Shoulda passed on that Bin Laden Construction Co bid!
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