Niagara Falls would be a great location, closer to the Canadian market but without the crossing the Border problems (for US), BUT Milstein is a crook!
He's been BS'ing the Falls for years about HIS property and HIS development plans etc., etc. and nothing ever happens. Niagara Falls and Niagara County are full of potential stadium sites, without involving Milstein. Just the fact that the stadium could have a Niagara Falls address would be worth a lot for marketing the team as "regional," and the Niagara Falls name alone is already known world-wide. We would even get to use the unused Niagara Falls Airport for Team Charters etc.
If the city of Niagara Falls, or Niagara County would step up and offer the BILLS an acceptable staduim site(s), for an equivalent deal that they gave the dead-beat Seneca's, the BILLS would have to seriously consider it.
Putting $200 mil or more, that we don;t have, into Rich Stadium, is like putting a new dress on an old whore!