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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Let's run it by the NFL and see if we all get "Locked out!"
  2. Couldn't afford the insurance.
  3. No worse than the TSA Microwave at the Airport.
  4. There's a bug difference between keeping something "airworthy" and making it presentable for authentic display.
  5. Boeing builds 737 Airframes in Wichita and rails them to Renton WA. on flat cars. They are shipped without the wings, engines, interiors and tail, but the Shuttle is not a large as the new 737's are. As for disassembly, the wings and tail could be easily be removed, crated, and ride along with the rest of the airframe. I say "easily" because it's never going to fly again, so not a big deal. For those who don't care about the cost, assuming the debt gets repaid somehow, it's not just us, but our children and grand children and beyond who will see the benefite of getting stuck with all the debt.
  6. Did the Chinese pay for that thrill too? Seriously, we flew an obsolete Shuttle Aircraft on top of an obsolete, fuel inefficient 747-100, into transcontinental E to W headwinds, so it could go into a museum? There was no critical time component here! It should have been on a railroad flat car pre-paid to the museum, and give the rest of us a break! By the way there was no "green energy" used in this stunt, but I expect well over 150,000 lbs of Jet-A. BIG Carbon Footprint-for those of you that monitor such things.
  7. Your beliefs are what they are BUT Thomas Jefferson wrote THE VIRGINIA ACT FOR ESTABLISHING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, in Richmond VA 1786. This Act is the foundation for our Constitutional Freedom of Religion. If you read that Act, you may see that your views of Jefferson's beliefs may be incorrect, adding to the "confusion."
  8. Niagara Falls would be a great location, closer to the Canadian market but without the crossing the Border problems (for US), BUT Milstein is a crook! He's been BS'ing the Falls for years about HIS property and HIS development plans etc., etc. and nothing ever happens. Niagara Falls and Niagara County are full of potential stadium sites, without involving Milstein. Just the fact that the stadium could have a Niagara Falls address would be worth a lot for marketing the team as "regional," and the Niagara Falls name alone is already known world-wide. We would even get to use the unused Niagara Falls Airport for Team Charters etc. If the city of Niagara Falls, or Niagara County would step up and offer the BILLS an acceptable staduim site(s), for an equivalent deal that they gave the dead-beat Seneca's, the BILLS would have to seriously consider it. Putting $200 mil or more, that we don;t have, into Rich Stadium, is like putting a new dress on an old whore!
  9. Most things are more complicated in DC!
  10. A few more Passport fees may help solve the US debt.
  11. They guy's a Coach, not a miracle worker. Look at how much "coaching" Losman got and it didn't help very much at all Before anyone gets fired, let's see what how it goes in Cleveland AND New England!
  12. Nobody will care about his school IF we make the Playoffs!
  13. Could signify our season...0 and!
  14. NO! They beat US to go to SB I ! Would the BILLS have beaten Lombardi's Packers?? We might have, but will never know because of the CURSE!
  15. Exactly! As usual, we traded the wrong player. Tom Flores and Art Powell!!! :doh:
  16. I'd rather see Wade again, with or without the headset!
  17. 64...will turn 65 between the Houston and New England games. Hopefully we'll have a few W's by then! Used to watch practices at the Camelot Motor Lodge and later Niagara U. Graduated from NU in '69 and moved to N VA. in '70. I left BUF before Rich Stadium was open for business. Never been back to live in WNY. Beside the Peoples Republic of N VA, I've lived in Chicago, Houston and Seattle but could never get interested in any other teams. Used to go to pre-season games at the Rockpile for $6 in the mid 60's. Bad seats, usually lost to the same Redskins, Lions as we do now. Took a Cottrell bus from one of the bars in S Buffalo-good times! Always travel with BILLS/SABRES stuff and have met other fans in: England, France, Italy, Germany, and of course in the USA too. Live down in the low-rent portion of VA. now (Richmond area). Can't sell the house, so I guess I'm stuck sweating with the oldies here! GO BILLS!
  18. I think he should go there-one way-a win-win situation! They already have; high speed trains, $8+ gas, a bigger debt load than us, open borders, aristocratic rulers, etc. etc. He would be a perfect fit.
  19. The Raiders will be the next LA team. They screwed up by ever leaving, and they know it.
  20. I remember the security immediately after 9/11. No TSA yet, but we did have National Guard soldiers with unloaded weapons at the airport check points. Nothing like deploying your security in confined areas, with unloaded weapons that are totally not suited to respond to an immediate threat! As we know now, it only got better! Now the "experts" are wanting to taste your drink, that you just bought inside the "Secure Area."
  21. Are we better off now than we were in 1999?????
  22. Is White even healthy? He seemed to have a lot of problems during the pre-season.
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